SUNPAK DF-7059-CP User Manual

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f o g   e f f e c t  
f e
Transforms sunny, clear landscapes into
foggy ones by putting a soft glow around
highlights and lowering contrast. Try this
filter for dreamlike effects in nighttime
cityscapes and window-lit interiors, too.
v i g n e t t e   e f f e c t  
v e
Blurs all image detail except for a sharp
central spot, highlighting subject in a soft-
edged circle. The size of the circle can be
varied by choice of lens focal length. Ideal
for portraits or for highlighting features in
a scenics.
c r o s s   s t a r  
c s 4 x
Creates a multi-colored four-pointed star
centered on each specular light source,
adding sparkle to candle flames, night
scenes, chrome, and water. Can be rotated
to vary angle.
 : six-pointed and eight-
pointed star versions.
special e
fo r   c o l o r   o r   b l a c k   a n d   w h i t e
s o f t   e f f e c t   s e r i e s   •   d i f f u s i o n   •   f o g   •   v i g n e t t e   •   c r o s s   s t a r