Axcera 79XITS-7045 User Manual

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WaveCom Electronics Inc
MA4040D Manual; MAN1L0901 REV 13(0104)
Approved: D.P.
7.1 Operation
The Multi Agile System may be controlled via the RS232/RS485 Remote Interface connector. (See Section 4.2,
Power/Control Module Rear Panel Connections (pp 21, 22) for the connector pin-out).
The input data rate can be 9600, 14400, or 28800 baud. The system controller will automatically determine which
data rate is in use and adjust accordingly. There are no user settings relating to baud rate selection.
7.2 Message Format
All messages to the system controller consist of a sequence of ASCII characters. Messages must meet the
following guidelines in order to be correctly interpreted by the system controller.
There can be no more than 75 ms between consecutive message bytes.
 After receiving the entire message, the system controller will require approximately 200 ms to process and respond to the
 Only one message can be processed at a time, consequently the user must wait for a reply before sending a new
 Commands sent to an invalid chassis address will be discarded without a response.
7.3 Command Structure
The command structure consists of a sequence of ASCII characters terminated by a carriage return. All ASCII
characters are case-insensitive unless otherwise indicated. Commands are to be in one of the following two general
ASCII Asterisk character
ASCII Space character
ASCII Carriage Return character
ADD = Address (3 ASCII characters)
Addresses are 3 digit numbers. Three digits (including leading zeros) are required to correctly define an address.
MOD = Module (1 ASCII character)
A = Module A (Leftmost module)
B = Module B
J = Module J (Next to Power Control Module)