Honeywell International Inc. 9PGTPL-100A User Manual

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1 Mar 2006
TPL-100A Processor / Part No. 940-0530-001
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Table 11 shows information related to sensitivity level determinations. Table 12 shows 
information related to the conditions for resolution and traffic advisory threshold sensitivity 
levels. The information in Table 11 and Table 12 is used throughout this manual.
Table 12 is a matrix that shows typical protection times and volumes for 7.0 units. (These 
include units with dash numbers that end in 07 or greater.) When radio (AGL) and pressure 
altitude (MSL) select different sensitivity levels, the TCAS uses the lower level.
Table 11.   TCAS Sensitivity Level Determinations
Level 0
In automatic mode, sensitivity level is selected by altitude or by ground 
command. Sensitivity level 0 is selected manually when the control unit 
function switch is in the TA/RA mode position (in-flight). This selection 
enables all TCAS surveillance, tracking, and resolution advisory functions.
Level 1 
In sensitivity level 1, TCAS stops all surveillance, tracking, and resolution 
advisory functions. The traffic advisory display is blank except for a 
STANDBY mode annunciation. Sensitivity level 1 requires one of the 
parameters that follows:
On the control unit or MCD, the
 function switch is set to ATC 1 TEST, 
ATC 1 STBY, ATC 1 ON, an ATC 2 position, or the ALT SOURCE switch 
is in the OFF position.
(2) TCAS is in STANDBY mode or TEST mode.
(3) TCAS has failed. 
Level 2 
In sensitivity level 2, TCAS performs surveillance and tracking functions and 
provides traffic advisories only. Sensitivity level 2 requires one of the 
parameters that follows:
(1) Own aircraft is in-flight and TA or TA/RA is below 1000 feet AGL.
(2) Own aircraft is in-flight and transponder/TCAS control unit is set to TA.
(3) Own aircraft is on the ground and transponder/TCAS control unit is set 
to TA or TA/RA.
Level 3, 4,
5, 6, and 7
In sensitivity levels 3 thru 7, TCAS performs surveillance and tracking 
functions and supplies both resolution advisories and traffic advisories. Note 
that the transponder TCAS control panel must be in the TA/RA mode for 
these sensitivity levels. The parameters for sensitivity levels 3 thru 7 are 
based on own aircraft altitude as follows:
(1) Sensitivity level 3 - Own aircraft altitude is between 1,000 and 2,350 feet 
AGL (radio altitude).
(2) Sensitivity level 4 - Own aircraft altitude is between 2,350 feet AGL and 
5,000 feet MSL (pressure altitude).
(3) Sensitivity level 5 - Own aircraft altitude is not higher than 10,000 feet 
(4) Sensitivity level 6 - Own aircraft altitude is 10,000 to 20,000 feet MSL.
(5) Sensitivity level 7 - Own aircraft altitude is above 20,000 feet MSL.