Vernier Software & Technology LQ2-LE User Manual

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LabQuest App 
Data-Collection Settings  
The Sensors menu gives access to detailed setup 
controls. Use this menu to set up the internal sensors, 
non-auto-ID sensors, and the Wireless Dynamics Sensor 
System (WDSS). You can also use this menu to change 
the data collection parameters and specific sensor 
Sensor Setup
 – Choosing Sensor Setup from the 
Sensors menu displays a dialog box showing 
which sensors are currently connected. If you 
are using a sensor that does not auto-ID, you 
will need to manually set up the sensor. To do 
this, tap on the field displaying “No Sensor” for 
the channel to which your sensor is connected. 
In response, LabQuest displays a list of possible 
sensors. Tap to select the appropriate sensor. 
Then tap OK. 
You can also activate (or deactivate) the internal sensors from the Sensor Setup. Check 
the box next to the desired sensor to make that sensor available for data collection.  
Data Collection
 – Choosing Data Collection 
from the Sensors menu displays allows you to 
set the data-collection mode and associated 
parameters. The parameters listed will depend 
on the mode selected.  
Mode: Time-Based
 – Time-based data 
collection is the default data-collection 
mode for most sensors. In this mode, 
sensor readings are recorded at regular 
time intervals. 
Adjustable parameters for this mode 
include the rate (or interval) and the 
duration of data collection. The total 
number of samples to be collected based 
on these parameters will be displayed. 
Under some circumstances, the Rate and 
Duration fields may be highlighted in 
yellow or red. The yellow warning 
indicates that the rate has been set to 
value slower or faster than what is 
recommended for the connected sensor, 
or that the number of samples could lead