Prima Games Crysis, PC, EN 0761557407 User Manual

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Forces Training
Even within Special Forces, where the average soldier might parachute through 
enemy artillery fi re and infi ltrate an installation with just a knife between his 
teeth, you are a super man. You hear the awe in their voices as you walk by in 
your Nanosuit. They know you can do things others can’t: absorb a Shotgun blast 
as if someone tossed a handful of gravel at you, fi nish a 100-yard dash while 
Olympians have only barely made it out of the starting blocks, leap over tanks and 
onto building rooftops—oh yeah, and become invisible.
    The following pages present the basics of your Nanosuit and how to operate in 
standard combat situations. The suit gives you superhuman powers so you may 
compete with the island perils, but you’ll need the brain to match the brawn to 
have any hope of survival.
Miracles of the Nanosuit
The Nanosuit 
absorbs damage 
(Armor), increases 
your running ability 
(Speed), amps up 
your muscle power 
(Strength) and turns 
you invisible for 
a limited duration 
(Cloak). Use V or 
K3 to access your ability menu, where you can spin to any 
upgrade in a split second.
This chapter notes certain keys for basic maneuvers 
and combat tricks. However, you should consult the 
game’s manual for the full keyboard layout.
Armor mode 
toughens your 
suit’s exterior and 
keeps you alive 
against unexpected 
attacks. Since you 
can take a handful 
more shots to the 
gut with Armor on 
rather than off, 
leave it on as your default suit setting whenever you aren’t 
engaged in a particular maneuver. Your suit fl ashes white 
when hit in Armor mode, which can give you an indication 
that you’re being fi red upon if you don’t notice your health 
dropping right away. Always switch to Armor mode when 
recovering energy or health.
Switch to Speed 
mode when you 
need to cover 
ground in a hurry. 
The Speed burst 
lasts only a 
few seconds—
long enough to 
dash through 
a dangerous 
minefi eld without triggering a single detonation or escape 
an ambush with half a dozen rifl es pointing at your head. You 
can also use it when you know the territory ahead is clear of 
enemies and want to travel quickly to your destination. You 
should rely on Speed (or Cloak) to confuse foes in combat 
and keep their gun barrels trained on where you were and 
not where you are.
Maximum Strength 
gives you superior 
punching and 
leaping powers. 
In Strength mode, 
a Strength Punch 
can smash open 
locked doors, 
destroy vehicles, 
and pulverize an 
opponent’s skull. In close combat, it’s an effective backup 
attack method when you don’t have a Shotgun or SMG 
With Strength 
on, you can also 
Strength Jump to 
heights impossible 
for normal human 
legs. Most 
low roofs are 
accessible with a 
single leap, while 
high roofs may 
take several smaller leaps as you hop up exterior obstacles 
to reach the top. Strength redefi nes how you view the 
battlefi eld. Don’t feel like you must take the straightforward 
ground path. Look for alternative attack routes up the rocks, 
hills, and buildings around you at all times.
Perhaps your most 
impressive power 
comes in the form 
of your Cloak. The 
Cloaking ability 
literally makes 
you invisible so 
long as you have 
energy available. 
And that’s the key. 
Stand still and you can remain invisible for a few minutes. 
At a full run, however, you have less than 10 seconds 
of sustained invisibility. Play around with the Cloaking 
ability so you get a feel for when it’s going to give out on 
you. If you aren’t in cover when you hear the warning that 
you’re running out of energy, drop prone and crawl to your 
cover spot. Your Cloak will last a lot longer this way, and 
it’s more diffi cult for enemies to spot you when you’re 
moving horizontally along the ground if you should suddenly 
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