Wiley Word 2007 For Dummies 978-0-470-03658-7 User Manual

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 You can also summon help by clicking the wee round question mark
button near the upper-right corner of the Word window.
 Word’s help works best when you have an Internet connection, espe-
cially a high-speed, or broadband, connection.
 If you’ve used previous versions of Word, note that there’s no more
Office Assistant in Word 2007. You can mourn or rejoice as appropriate.
 Of course, this book can be your handiest and most useful source for
Word help. Sadly, I don’t have room here to document everything, so
Microsoft relented and decided to provide everything in its Word Help
When You’re All Done
It’s the pinnacle of etiquette to know when and how to excuse oneself.
Leaving can be done well or poorly. Experience taught me this lesson when I
was dining with royalty and suddenly all conversation stopped. I had to
meekly raise my hand, mutter “It was me,” and then run off all red-faced and
ashamed. I hope that such a thing never happens to you.
Just as there are many ways to start Word, there are several ways to quit. You
can quit the program outright, you can pause and start over, or you can set
Word aside. These options are covered in this section.
Quitting Word
When you’re done word processing and don’t expect to return to it anytime
soon, you need to quit the Word program. Quitting a computer program is
like putting away a book on a shelf. In the electronic world of the computer,
this is how you do such a thing:
1. Choose Exit Word from the Office Button menu.
2. Save any files when Word prompts you to do so.
Word always warns you before it leaves; if you have any unsaved docu-
ments, you’re prompted to save them to disk. You see a warning dis-
played on the screen, as shown in Figure 1-4.
Click Yes to save your file. You may be asked to give the file a name, if
you haven’t yet done so. (Chapter 3 tells you how to do it.)
If the slop you typed isn’t worth saving, click No.
You can click Cancel to “quit” the Exit Word command and return to
Word for more word processing delight.
Part I: Hello, Word! 
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