CA BrightStor Hierarchical Storage Managerr11.5 - Product only BSHSMSRV11500E Data Sheet

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Figure 1. Administrator GUI setting global policies for each server. 
A major driver in storage growth is 
regulatory compliance. Government 
regulations such as Sarbanes-Oxley Act 
of 2002, HIPAA, BASEL II and PIPEDA 
requires you to retain many files for 
extended times and be able to access 
them quickly, so deleting files is not an 
option. Traditional off-line archives are not 
adequate for the task of quick access and 
require substantial administrator effort to 
manage properly.  
Maintaining all files on primary storage 
results in unacceptable backup and 
recovery windows, in addition it drives 
rapid growth of high performance storage 
hardware capacity which results in 
storage costs spiraling higher.  
BrightStor HSM provides a solution to the 
challenges created by exponential 
storage growth. 
Solving the Growth 
BrightStor HSM allows you to use various 
cost-effective storage devices to create a 
central secondary storage tier that 
provides production servers a virtually 
infinite enterprise repository for seldom 
accessed data files. BrightStor HSM, 
running in the background on a 
production server, constantly monitors the 
status of its assigned volumes.  
When a scheduled or pre-determined 
watermark is reached, files are 
transparently and automatically migrated 
to the secondary storage tier. A pointer to 
the migrated file is retained in the 
production server’s file system, enabling 
quick identification and automated 
retrieval of files from the secondary 
storage tier anytime that the file contents 
is accessed. Users see the file’s directory  
entry with all of its original attributes 
including its size and security settings and 
users are generally unaware that their 
files have been migrated, even when 
accessing them as the time lag to restore 
the file from the secondary tier is nearly 
As much as 90% of files maintained on a 
file server are seldom or never accessed. 
By migrating these files to a secondary 
storage tier, the primary production 
storage capacity is drastically reduced.  
While new files are continually added to 
the primary production server, older files 
are migrated to the secondary tier, 
dramatically slowing the growth of 
capacity on the primary tier.  
With as much as a 20:1 cost differential 
between primary storage hardware and 
hardware suitable for secondary storage, 
the rate of growth in storage cost is  
greatly diminished. If desired, a third tier 
of storage can be created with an 
automated tape library. This third tier 
storage will continue to provide users with 
access to their files within minutes. 
An additional benefit of controlling the 
capacity requirements of primary storage 
is a substantially smaller backup and 
recovery window. Often, primary 
production servers are protected with high 
performance technology, such as RAID 
10, snapshot or replication in order to 
manage rapidly changing data. These 
technologies are expensive to implement 
and maintain. The secondary storage tier 
changes only when files are migrated and 
can be protected with much simpler tools, 
at substantially lower cost, and backup of 
the secondary storage tier will not impact 
the production environment. 
 If you are faced with backup windows 
interfering with production business, 
spiraling storage costs or compliance 
pressures, BrightStor HSM can help you 
solve these issues.