TP-LINK tl-sl5428e User Manual

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12.1.2  SNMP View 
The OID (Object Identifier) of the SNMP packets is used to describe the managed objects of the 
switch, and the MIB (Management Information Base) is the set of the OIDs. The SNMP View is 
created for the SNMP management station to manage MIB objects. 
Choose the menu SNMP→SNMP Config→SNMP View to load the following page. 
Figure 12-4 SNMP View 
The following entries are displayed on this screen:
View Config 
View Name: 
Give a name to the View for identification. Each View can
include several entries with the same name. 
MIB Object ID: 
Enter the Object Identifier (OID) for the entry of View. 
View Type: 
Select the type for the view entry. 
Include:  The view entry can be managed by the SNMP 
management station.   
Exclude:  The view entry can not be managed by the 
SNMP management station. 
View Table 
Select the desired entry to delete the corresponding view. All
the entries of a View will be deleted together. 
View Name: 
Displays the name of the View entry. 
View Type: 
Displays the type of the View entry. 
MIB Object ID: 
Displays the OID of the View entry. 
12.1.3  SNMP Group 
On this page, you can configure SNMP Group to control the network access by providing the users 
in various groups with different management rights via the Read View, Write View and Notify View. 
Choose the menu SNMP→SNMP Config→SNMP Group to load the following page.