Kaspersky Lab Endpoint Security f/Business - Core, 250-499u, 1Y, EDU RNW KL4861XATFQ User Manual

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endPoint ProteCtion Features:
Frequent uPdates and signature-Based 
Industry-proven traditional signature-based method for 
detecting malware threats.
Behavioral analysis PerForMed By systeM 
Delivers proactive protection against threats that have not 
yet been recorded in signature databases.
host-Based intrusion Prevention systeM (hiPs) 
with Personal Firewall
Predefined rules for hundreds of the most common 
applications reduce time spent on configuring the firewall.
Cloud-assisted ProteCtion
The Kaspersky Security Network (KSN) provides a response 
to suspected threats, much faster than traditional methods 
of protection. KSN’s response time to a malware threat can 
be as little as 0.02 seconds!
Broad PlatForM suPPort
Kaspersky offers endpoint security for Windows
 and Linux
, easing the workload of the 
administrator supporting diverse networks.
Central ManageMent Features:
one Central Console
For remote management of all your Kaspersky protected 
intuitive user interFaCe  
Clear, actionable information in an uncluttered dashboard 
allows administrators to view real-time protection status, set 
policies, manage systems and obtain reports.
weB interFaCe
Remotely monitors protection status and reports on key 
events from an accessible interface.
sCalaBle suPPort
Whatever your infrastructure size, Kaspersky Security Center 
offers deployment and management tools, flexible policy 
options and robust reporting to meet your growing needs.
not all Features are availaBle on all PlatForMs.   
For details, please consult www.kaspersky.com
one Management Console
From one ‘single pane of glass’, the administrator can view and manage the entire security scene — virtual 
machines, physical and mobile devices alike.
one security Platform
Kaspersky Lab developed our console, security modules and tools in-house rather than acquiring them from 
other companies. This means the same programmers working from the same codebase have developed 
technologies that talk together and work together. The result is stability, integrated policies, useful reporting 
and intuitive tools.
one Cost
All tools are from one vendor, delivered in one installation — so you don’t have to go through a new budgeting 
and justification process to bring your security risks in line with your business objectives.
© 2012 Kaspersky Lab zAO. All rights reserved. registered trademarks and service marks are the property of their respective owners. windows is a registered trademark
of Microsoft Corporation in the united States and other countries. Macintosh is a registered trademark of Apple inc. in the united States and/or other countries. Linux is a
registered trademark of Linus Torvalds in the united States and/or other countries.
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