IBM Flex System V7000 Expansion Enclosure 4939H29 User Manual

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Draft Document for Review January 29, 2013 12:52 pm
IBM Flex System V7000 Storage Node Introduction and Implementation Guide
Figure 4-3   IBM Flex System Manager - Hardware Map
3. From the Chassis Manager page in the management software web interface, click the 
chassis name that contains your applicable storage node as shown in Figure 4-4 on 
page 157
 (A) and continue to Step 4 on page 157. If the chassis is not displayed, add the 
chassis by performing the following steps:
– Select General Actions
 Add or Remove a chassis, as shown in Figure 4-4 on 
– Select the chassis you want to manage
– Click Manage. The Management Domain page displays.
– Click Manage.
– Enter the user ID and password for the CMM of the chassis that you want to manage.
– Wait while the status is processed. After the status is processed, the status changes to 
Success, and the message changes to Managed.
– Click Done.