Good Technology Secure Mobility Solution, 1Y + Extended Support MBLTY.SOLN.SUB.USER.EXT.B1Y User Manual

Product codes
Page of 9
App Category
Good Secured Application
  FoneMine Mobileforce for Good
  iSec7 Mobility for SAP
  ConferencePad for Good
  iBabs Pro for Good
  SalesPage for Good
  Wheelhouse Admiral for Good
Note Taking
  Notate for Good
Web Browsing
  Thursby Software Systems PKard for Good
Social Business
  NewsGator Social Sites for Good
Vertical Specific
  Advanced Productivity DTE Axiom for Good
  Autonomy WorkSite Mobility2 for Good
  Thomson Reuters Pitchboard for Good
A Proven Security Architecture for Mobile Access to Behind-the-Firewall Resources
All of the apps within the Good Collaboration Suite and the Good Mobile Alliance ISV Ecosystem are 
built on Good’s trusted secure architecture that connects the containerized mobile app to specific be-
hind-the-firewall resources.  This secure communication methodology employs an inside-the-firewall 
Good Proxy Server that requires no open inbound ports, VPN upgrades, or DMZ infrastructure, maintain-
ing network security and minimizing change control requirements.
The Good Proxy Server connects via a single outbound port to Good’s cloud-based authentication and 
authorization services.  Once a persistent connection is established between Good’s cloud and the cus-
tomer’s Good Proxy server, connecting devices are authenticated by Good’s cloud, assessed for compli-
ance status, and then authorized to access the persistent corporate connection back through the Good 
Proxy to access corporate resources behind the firewall.
The Good and ISV ecosystem containerized client apps employ app-level FIPS-validated encryption to 
separate corporate data from personal data and provide policy-based protection and Data Loss Preven-
tion (DLP) from consumer apps that may leak data to the cloud. 
Good Secure Mobility Solution
A Good Technology Solution Brief