Led Lenser LED Headlamp SEO 5 battery-powered 105 g Grey 6105 6105 User Manual

Product codes
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The temperature range in which the SEO 5 can 
be operated is -20 C° to +50 C°. Ensure that 
the SEO 5 is not subjected to more extreme 
temperatures, intense vibrations, explosive 
atmosphere, solvents and/or vapours. 
Also continuously exposed to direct sunlight, 
high humidity and/or moisture have to be 
Changes, repairs and maintenance over and 
above those described in the documents 
accompanying the product may only be carried 
out by authorised technical personnel. 
Once it is found that the product is filled 
with full batteries / accumulators in correct 
orientation (polarity!) and correctly closed, 
but nonetheless a normal, safe operation is 
not possible or the product shows damage, it 
must be rendered inoperative and not used 
any further. In this case, for warranty matters, 
contact your dealer.
16. Safety instructions
• This product is not a children's toy.•  Since it 
has small parts that can be swallowed, it is 
not suitable for persons below 5 years.
• The article may not be used for examinations 
of the eyes (e.g. for the so-called pupil test).
• When using it, the accumulation of heat, e.g. 
by covering, must be avoided.
• If the product does not work correctly, the 
first thing that must be checked is whether 
this is due to discharged battery respectively 
accumulators or because these are not 
inserted correctly.
• If using in traffic, please follow the respective 
legal regulations.
The hazard that poses the main threat in this 
product through optical radiation is the Blue-
Light-Hazard (400 nm to 780 nm). Thermal 
hazard threshold values are clearly not 
The risk for the viewer depends on the use or 
on how the product is installed. However, there 
is no optical hazard as long as the aversion 
responses limit the time of exposure and 
as long as the information contained in this 
instruction manual is observed. 
The aversion reactions are triggered by the 
exposure and they are to mean all natural 
reactions that protect the eye from hazards 
through optical radiation. This includes in 
particular conscious aversion reactions such 
as eye or head movement (e.g. turning away).
When using the product it is of particular 
importance to bear in mind that the aversion 
reactions of persons at whom the light is 
directed at may be weakened or completely 
suspended as a result of medication, drugs or 
Because of the blinding effect of the product, 
improper use may lead to reversible, i.e. 
temporary impairment of sight (physiological 
blinding) or afterimages, or it may trigger 
feeling unwell in the sense of feeling queasy 
and tired (physiological blinding). The intensity 
of the temporary feeling of being unwell or 
the time until it subsides depend primarily 
on the difference in brightness between the 
blinding-light source and the surrounding area. 
Photosensitive persons in particular ought to 
consult a medical consultant prior to using this 
As a matter of principle the rule is that high-
intensity light sources carry a high secondary 
hazard potential due to their blinding effect. 
Just like looking into other bright light sources 
(e.g. headlights of a car), the temporary limited 
impairment of vision and afterimages may lead 
to irritation, inconveniences, impairments and 
even accidents, depending on the situation.
The information applies to the use of a single 
product. If more light-emitting products of 
the same type or of a different type are used 
together, the intensity of the optical radiation 
may increase. 
Every longer viewing/eye-contact with the 
source of radiation of this product by the user 
or other persons, with and without other light-
bundling instruments, is to be avoided as a 
matter of principle! Instead, the eyes are to be 
closed deliberately in such cases and the head 
ought to be turned away from the light beam. 
In case of a commercial use or the product’s 
use by public bodies, the user must be 
instructed as to all applicable laws and 
regulations that correspond to the individual 
case of usage.
Important rules of conduct: 
• Do not aim the light beam directly into the 
eyes of a person. 
• The user or any other person should not look 
directly into the light beam.
• In the event of optical radiation hitting the 
eye, the eyes must deliberately shut and the 
head is to be turned away from the beam.
• The instruction manual and this information 
must be stored safely and must be passed on 
together with the product. 
• It is prohibited to look straight into the light 
that is being emitted by this product.