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Viruses Are Not Passive
Over the past two years, virus threats have become increasingly sophisticated. From Melissa, through
Love Bug to Nimda and Code Red, these nasty pieces of malicious code are capable of re-occurring in
networks where even one computer’s protection is not completely up-to-date.
The most vulnerable groups of users are those with the least resources dedicated to anti-virus
management—businesses with 250 users or less. Just when you think you have eradicated an outbreak,
one rogue user who missed the update can cause more downtime and loss of productivity and damage
to customer goodwill.
Effective management of your users is the key to effective anti-virus protection, but you don’t have
the time or resources to visit every desk in your organization once a week to ensure the weekly
update was carried out. And when a new virus outbreak occurs, even weekly is too late. Such is the
curse of managing IT in a small business.
McAfee can help.
Introducing ePolicy Orchestrator—Superhuman Help 
It’s an unpleasant fact of life that you cannot rely on your users to take a disciplined approach to
using the IT resources at their disposal. They are only human, after all, and they will be tempted to
click that enticing email link, or download files from unknown parts of the Internet. So if they are
going to be human, then you need a superhuman tool to manage the consequences.
We call that tool ePolicy Orchestrator. It delivers the
means to control your anti-virus applications. It gives
you the power to enforce your chosen updating policy
on all your users, and to monitor progress through
easy to understand, dynamic graphical reports. ePolicy
Orchestrator ensures that your users and your
business are shielded from the ravages of viruses.
And when the nature of the virus threat changes, as it
constantly will, ePolicy Orchestrator gives you the ability to change your updating or scanning policy.
No more reliance on users to follow the rules. No more wondering whether everyone remembered to
get their anti-virus updates. No more recurring infections of persistent viruses.
How You Get Superhuman
You will find ePolicy Orchestrator inside our Small Business Editions. To make it simple and affordable
for small businesses to get anti-virus under control, McAfee has packaged ePolicy Orchestrator Small
Business Edition inside two anti-virus solution bundles:
• Active VirusScan Suite Small Business Edition—VirusScan software for your workstations plus
NetShield software for your NT & Netware servers, all managed by ePolicy Orchestrator Small
Business Edition.
• Active Virus Defense Small Business Edition—The ultimate multi-tiered solution for total protection:
VirusScan and NetShield software for your desktops and servers, plus GroupShield to preserve your
Exchange or Notes servers and WebShield to strip viruses from your SMTP mail gateway. And,
naturally, ePolicy Orchestrator Small Business Edition coordinates your defenses.
McAfee Active Virus Defense 
Small Business Edition
Key Features
• Superior detection and cleaning—because
that’s what it all comes down to, in the end.
• Policy Management—ePolicy Orchestrator
enables administrators define, implement,
and enforce a standard anti-virus policy.
• Enterprise-wide Reporting—ePolicy
Orchestrator gives you unprecedented
visibility into the state of virus protection
on your network.
• Support—There’s a PrimeSupport from
McAfee offering for everyone, from online
forums to 24x7 named contact.
• Multi-tier defense—McAfee products at
every level of the network provide a
bulletproof defense.