Conrad Energy C battery (rechargeable) NiMH BABY 4000 MAH 4000 mAh 1.2 V 2 pc(s) 251056 Data Sheet

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Conrad Electronic SE, Klaus-Conrad-Str. 1, D-92240 Hirschau
Item no.: 251056
Material Safety Data Sheet
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7. Accidental Release
Steps to be taken in case material is released or spilled:
The preferred respinse is to leave the area and allow the batteries to cool and the vapours to dissipate. Avoid skin and eye
contact or inhalation of vapours. Collect all released materials in a plastic lined metal container and remove spilled liquid with
absorbent. Doing this, protect your skin and eyes with gloves and protection glasses.
8. Handling and Storage
1. When packing the batteries, to not allow battery terminals to contact each other, or contact with other metals. Be sure to
pack batteries by providing in the packing box, or in a separate plastic bag so that the single batteries are not mixed together.
2. Use strong materials for packing boxes so that they will not be damaged by vibration, impact, dropping and stacking during
their transportation.
3. Do not let water penetrate into packing boxes during their storage and transportation.
4. The batteries will bestored at room temperature.
5. Do not store the battery in places of high temperature exceeding 35°C or under direct sunlight or in front of a stove. Please
also avoid the places of high humidity. Be sure not to expose the battery to condensation, water drop or not to store it under
lower temperature than -20°C.
6. Batteries are sure to be packed in such a way to prevent short circuits under conditions normally encountered in transport.
7. Please avoid storing the battery in the place where it is exposed to the electricity, so that no damage will be caused to the
protection circuit of the battery pack.
9. Exposure Controls/Personal Protection
Respiratory protection (Specify Type):
Not necessary under conditions of normal use.
Not necessary under conditions of normal use.
Protective Gloves:
Not necessary under conditions of normal use.
Eye protection:
Not necessary under conditions of normal use.
Other Protective (Clothing or Equipment):
Not necessary under conditions of normal use.
10. Physical and Chemical Properties
The chemicals mentioned in Section 3 are contained in a hermetically sealed can. Under conditions of normal use, the
chemicals will not be released.
11. Stability and Reactivity
Nickel Metal Hydride Batteries are contained in a stable shell container and are hermetically sealed to avoid any chemical
release under conditions of normal use.