Cypress Semiconductor CapSense® Controller kit CY3280-BK1 CY3280-BK1 CY3280-BK1 User Manual

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CY3280-BK1 Universal CapSense Controller Quick Start, Doc. # 001-37959 Rev. **
Create a PSoC Express CapSense Project
Build Your Project
3.32 Select Build 
Generate/Build ‘MyExpressProject’ Project
3.33 In the PSoC Device Configuration Selection window, select the CY8C20434, 32-Pin QFN part 
in the Available Device Configurations pane.
Note: The CY3280-20x34 Universal CapSense Controller includes a special on-chip debugger 
(OCD) part, CY8C20000, which is a 48-pin part that is not normally used for production. The 
corresponding production part is a CY8C20X34, and comes in 24 and 32 pin packages. For 
instance, a CY8C20434 is a 32 pin QFN that has many of the same pins as the CY8C20000, 
but is a production part without the OCD function.
3.34 Ensure the Assign pins automatically check box is NOT selected.
3.35 Click Next.
Assign Drivers to Pins
3.36 In the User Pin Assignment window, click Unassign All Pins. All drivers move to the Unas-
signed Drivers list.
3.37 To assign drivers to pins, drag and drop drivers from the Unassigned Drivers list onto a pin. 
Assign the CapSenseProperties_ExternalCap driver to port P0[3].