Texas Instruments FPD Link III - DS90UB901Q & DS90UB902Q EVK SERDESUB-16USB/NOPB SERDESUB-16USB/NOPB Data Sheet

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SERDESUB-16USB User’s Guide  
SNLU100 – April 2012 
 Bi-Directional Control Bus And I2C Modes: 
In order to communicate and synchronize with remote devices on the I2C bus through the 
bi-directional control channel, slave clock stretching must be supported by the I2C master 
controller/MCU. The chipset utilizes bus clock stretching (holding the SCL line low) during 
data transmission; where the I2C slave pulls the SCL line low prior to the 9th clock of 
every I2C data transfer (before the ACK signal). 
The bidirectional control bus supports is a I2C compatible interface that allows 
programming of the DS90UB901Q, DS90UB902Q, or an external remote device (such as 
a camera or display). Register programming transactions to/from the DS90UB901Q/902Q 
chipset are employed through the clock (SCL) and data (SDA) lines. These two signals 
have open drain I/Os and must be pulled-up to VDDIO by external resistors. The boards 
have an option to use the on-board 1.0KΩ pull-up resistors tied to VDDIO or connected 
through external pull-ups at the target Host. The appropriate pull-up resistor values will 
depend upon the total bus capacitance and operating speed. The DS90UB901Q/902Q I2C 
bus data rate supports up to 100 kbps according to I2C specification. 
To start any data transfer, the DS90UB901Q/902Q must be configured in the proper I2C 
mode. Each device can function as an I2C slave proxy or master proxy depending on the 
mode determined by MODE (M_S) pin. Note the MODE pin is label as M_S on the PCB 
boards. The Ser/Des interface acts as a virtual bridge between Master controller (MCU) 
and the remote device. When the MODE (M_S) pin is set to High, the device is treated as 
a slave proxy; acts as a slave on behalf of the remote slave. When addressing a remote 
peripheral or Serializer/Deserializer (not wired directly to the MCU), the slave proxy will 
forward any byte transactions sent by the Master controller to the target device. When 
MODE (M_S) pin is set to Low, the device will function as a master proxy device; acts as a 
master on behalf of the I2C master controller. Note that the devices must have 
complementary settings for the MODE configuration. For example, if the Serializer MODE 
(M_S) pin is set to High then the Deserializer MODE (M_S) pin must be set to Low and 
Demo Board Power Connections: 
The Serializer and Deserializer boards must be powered by supplying power externally 
through J3 (VDD) and J4 (VSS) on Serializer Board and J4 (VDD) and J5 (VSS) on 
Deserializer board.  Note +2.5V is the MAXIMUM voltage that should ever be applied to 
the Serializer J3 or Deserializer J4 VDD terminal. Serializer JP1 VDDI and Deserializer 
VDDIO JP1 must never exceed +4.0V. Damage to the device(s) can result if the voltage 
maximum is exceeded.