Microchip Technology MA330019 Data Sheet

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DS70291G-page  27
dsPIC33FJ32MC302/304, dsPIC33FJ64MCX02/X04 AND dsPIC33FJ128MCX02/X04
bit 7-5
IPL<2:0>: CPU Interrupt Priority Level Status bits
111 = CPU Interrupt Priority Level is 7 (15), user interrupts disabled
110 = CPU Interrupt Priority Level is 6 (14)
101 = CPU Interrupt Priority Level is 5 (13)
100 = CPU Interrupt Priority Level is 4 (12)
011 = CPU Interrupt Priority Level is 3 (11)
010 = CPU Interrupt Priority Level is 2 (10)
001 = CPU Interrupt Priority Level is 1 (9)
000 = CPU Interrupt Priority Level is 0 (8)
bit 4
RA: REPEAT Loop Active bit
1 = REPEAT loop in progress
0 = REPEAT loop not in progress
bit 3
N: MCU ALU Negative bit
1 = Result was negative
0 = Result was non-negative (zero or positive)
bit 2
OV: MCU ALU Overflow bit
This bit is used for signed arithmetic (two’s complement). It indicates an overflow of a magnitude that 
causes the sign bit to change state. 
1 = Overflow occurred for signed arithmetic (in this arithmetic operation)
0 = No overflow occurred
bit 1
Z: MCU ALU Zero bit
1 = An operation that affects the Z bit has set it at some time in the past
0 = The most recent operation that affects the Z bit has cleared it (i.e., a non-zero result)
bit 0
C: MCU ALU Carry/Borrow bit
1 = A carry-out from the Most Significant bit of the result occurred
0 = No carry-out from the Most Significant bit of the result occurred
Note 1: This bit can be read or cleared (not set).
2: The IPL<2:0> bits are concatenated with the IPL<3> bit (CORCON<3>) to form the CPU Interrupt Priority 
Level. The value in parentheses indicates the IPL if IPL<3> = 1. User interrupts are disabled when 
IPL<3> = 1.
3: The IPL<2:0> Status bits are read only when the NSTDIS bit (INTCON1<15>) = 1.
4: This bit can be read or cleared (not set). Clearing this bit clears SA and SB.