Fluke Calibrator, 4353218 Data Sheet

Product codes
Page of 80
Pressure Calibrator 
Remote Operation 
Set up the RS-232 Port for Remote Control 
The RS-232 connection cable should not exceed 
15 m unless the load capacitance measured at 
connection points is less than 2500 pF. 
Serial parameter values: 
8 data bits 
1 stop bit 
EOL (End of Line) character or CR (Carriage Return) 
or both 
To use the remote control option, a custom 
miniature circular to USB interface cable, PN 
4401616, must be purchased separately. 
 Connect the Product to the computer, attach the 
miniature circular connector end of the cable to the 
pressure module port on the right side of the Product and 
the USB connector to the computer. The Product should 
be turned off prior to making the connection and then 
turned on. 
For remote operation of the Product, connect it to a COM 
port on the PC as in Figure 11. Use a terminal emulator 
program and follow the subsequent procedure: 
1.  Start the terminal emulator program. 
2. Select 
3.  For Name enter “Fluke 719PRO”. Select the serial 
port that the Product is connected to. 
4.  Enter the above information for port settings. 
5.  Select ASCII setup from File/Properties/Settings and 
mark these choices: 
Echo typed characters locally 
Wrap lines that exceed terminal width 
6. Select 
7.  To see if the port works enter *IDN?. This command 
will return information on the Product.