Fluke Calibrator, 4353234 Data Sheet

Product codes
Page of 80
Users Manual 
Response Data Types 
The data returned by the Product can be divided into four 
For most computers and controllers they are decimal 
numbers that range from -32768 to 32768. For example: 
FAULT? could return 110 
Refer to Table 8 for more information on error codes. 
Floating numbers have up to 15 significant figures and 
exponents. For example: 
CPRT_COEFA? returns 3.908300E-03 
Character Response Data (CRD) 
Data returned as keywords. For example: 
RTD_TYPE? returns PT385_100 
Indefinite ASCII (IAD) 
Any ASCII characters followed by a terminator. For 
*IDN? returns FLUKE,719PRO,1234567,1.00 
Calibrator Status 
Error Queue 
If an error occurs due to invalid input or buffer overflow, 
its error code is sent to the error queue. The error code 
can be read from the queue with the command FAULT?. 
The error queue holds 15 error codes. When it is empty, 
FAULT? returns 0. The error queue is cleared when 
power is reset or when the clear command *CLS is 
Input Buffer 
The Product stores all received data in the input buffer. 
The buffer holds 250 characters. The characters are 
processed on a first in, first out basis.