Fluke Fluke-709H Calibrator, 4234361 Data Sheet

Product codes
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Users Manual 
PV Zero 
A warning to change the loop to MANUAL before you 
proceed is shown. Push the selection knob to proceed. 
Push  to go to the Trim, Set, and Zero menus. 
The screen shown in Figure 39 prompts you to set the PV 
process input signal to zero and then monitors the result 
with the Product measurement. The measurement is 
updated once a second. 
When the operation mode is Communicator Only, the 
mA measurement is not available and the message mA 
not available
in Comm. Only mode is shown instead.  
Figure 39. PV Zero Screen 
1.  Push the selection knob to zero the HART device, 
and stay on this screen to evaluate the result. An 
error is shown if the HART device rejects the zero 
2. Push 
 to go to the Trim, Set, and Zero menu. A 
prompt to restore the PV process input signal to 
normal operation configuration and change the loop 
to AUTOMATIC is shown first.