Atmel SAM4S Xplained Pro Starter and Evaluation Kit ATSAM4S-XPRO ATSAM4S-XPRO Data Sheet

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A clock failure detection activates a fault output that is connected to the Pulse Width Modulator (PWM) Controller. 
With this connection, the PWM controller is able to force its outputs and to protect the driven device, if a clock 
failure is detected. 
The user can know the status of the clock failure detector at any time by reading the FOS bit in the PMC_SR 
This fault output remains active until the defect is detected and until it is cleared by the bit FOCLR in the PMC Fault 
Output Clear Register (PMC_FOCR).
29.14 Programming Sequence
1. If the fast crystal oscillator is not required, PLL and Divider can be directly configured (
) else the fast crystal 
oscillator must be started (
2. Enable the fast crystal oscillator:
The fast crystal oscillator is enabled by setting the MOSCXTEN field in the Main Oscillator Register 
(CKGR_MOR). The user can define a start-up time. This can be achieved by writing a value in the 
MOSCXTST field in CKGR_MOR. Once this register has been correctly configured, the user must wait for 
MOSCXTS field in the PMC_SR register to be set. This can be done either by polling MOSCXTS in the 
PMC_SR, or by waiting for the interrupt line to be raised if the associated interrupt source (MOSCXTS) has 
been enabled in the PMC_IER. 
3. Switch the MAINCK to the main crystal oscillator by setting MOSCSEL in CKGR_MOR.
4. Wait for the MOSCSELS to be set in PMC_SR to ensure the switchover is complete.
5. Check the main clock frequency:
This main clock frequency can be measured via the Main Clock Frequency Register (CKGR_MCFR).
Read the CKGR_MCFR until the MAINFRDY field is set, after which the user can read the MAINF field in 
CKGR_MCFR by performing an additional read. This provides the number of main clock cycles that have 
been counted during a period of 16 slow clock cycles.
If MAINF = 0, switch the MAINCK to the Fast RC Oscillator by clearing MOSCSEL in CKGR_MOR. If MAINF 
≠ 0, proceed to 
6. Set PLLx and Divider (if not required, proceed to 
In the names PLLx, DIVx, MULx, LOCKx, PLLxCOUNT, and CKGR_PLLxR, ‘x’ represents A or B.
All parameters needed to configure PLLx and the divider are located in CKGR_PLLxR register.
The DIVx field is used to control the divider itself. This parameter can be programmed between 0 and 127. 
Divider output is divider input divided by DIVx parameter. By default, DIVx field is set to 0 which means that 
the divider and PLLx are turned off.
The MULx field is the PLLx multiplier factor. This parameter can be programmed between 0 and 62. If MULx 
is set to 0, PLLx will be turned off, otherwise the PLLx output frequency is PLLx input frequency multiplied by 
(MULx + 1).
The PLLxCOUNT field specifies the number of slow clock cycles before the LOCKx bit is set in the PMC_SR 
after CKGR_PLLxR has been written.
Once the CKGR_PLLxR register has been written, the user must wait for the LOCKx bit to be set in the 
PMC_SR. This can be done either by polling LOCKx in the PMC_SR or by waiting for the interrupt line to be 
raised if the associated interrupt source (LOCKx) has been enabled in the PMC_IER. All fields in 
CKGR_PLLxR can be programmed in a single write operation. If at some stage one of the following 
parameters, MULx or DIVx is modified, the LOCKx bit goes low to indicate that PLLx is not yet ready. When 
PLLx is locked, LOCKx is set again. The user must wait for the LOCKx bit to be set before using the PLLx 
output clock.