Atmel Evaluation Kit AT91SAM9X35-EK AT91SAM9X35-EK Data Sheet

Product codes
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If the exception raised is not associated to a new system bank packet (ex:ERR_FL_ISO), then the request cancellation may hap-
pen at any time and may immediately stop the current DMA transfer.
This may be used, for example, to identify or prevent an erroneous packet to be transferred into a buffer or to complete a DMA 
buffer by software after reception of a short packet, or to perform buffer truncation on ERR_FL_ISO interrupt for adaptive rate.
• DATAX_RX: DATAx Interrupt Enabled (Only for High Bandwidth Isochronous OUT endpoints)
0 = No effect.
1 = Send an interrupt when a DATA2, DATA1 or DATA0 packet has been received meaning the whole microframe data payload 
has been received. 
• MDATA_RX: MDATA Interrupt Enabled (Only for High Bandwidth Isochronous OUT endpoints)
0 = No effect.
1 = Send an interrupt when an MDATA packet has been received and so at least one packet of the microframe data payload has 
been received. 
• ERR_OVFLW: Overflow Error Interrupt Enabled
0 = Overflow Error Interrupt is masked.
1 = Overflow Error Interrupt is enabled.
• RXRDY_TXKL: Received OUT Data Interrupt Enabled
0 = Received OUT Data Interrupt is masked.
1 = Received OUT Data Interrupt is enabled.
• TX_COMPLT: Transmitted IN Data Complete Interrupt Enabled
0 = Transmitted IN Data Complete Interrupt is masked.
1 = Transmitted IN Data Complete Interrupt is enabled.
• TXRDY_TRER: TX Packet Ready/Transaction Error Interrupt Enabled
0 = TX Packet Ready/Transaction Error Interrupt is masked.
1 = TX Packet Ready/Transaction Error Interrupt is enabled.
Caution: Interrupt source is active as long as the corresponding UDPHS_EPTSTAx register TXRDY_TRER flag
r e m a i n s   l o w .   I f   t h e r e   a r e   n o   m o r e   b a n k s   a v a i l a b l e   f o r   t r a n s m i t t i n g   a f t e r   t h e   s o f t w a r e   h a s   s e t
UDPHS_EPTSTAx/TXRDY_TRER for the last transmit packet, then the interrupt source remains inactive until the first
bank becomes free again to transmit at UDPHS_EPTSTAx/TXRDY_TRER hardware clear.
• ERR_FL_ISO: Error Flow Interrupt Enabled
0 = Error Flow Interrupt is masked.
1 = Error Flow Interrupt is enabled.
• ERR_CRC_NTR: ISO CRC Error/Number of Transaction Error Interrupt Enabled
0 = ISO CRC error/number of Transaction Error Interrupt is masked.
1 = ISO CRC error/number of Transaction Error Interrupt is enabled.
• ERR_FLUSH: Bank Flush Error Interrupt Enabled
0 = Bank Flush Error Interrupt is masked.
1 = Bank Flush Error Interrupt is enabled.