Atmel SAM4S-EK2 Atmel ATSAM4S-EK2 ATSAM4S-EK2 Data Sheet

Product codes
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11100E–ATARM–24-Jul-13, UMLAL, SMULL, and SMLAL
Signed and Unsigned Long Multiply, with optional Accumulate, using 32-bit operands and producing a 64-bit result.
is one of:
UMULL Unsigned Long Multiply.
UMLAL Unsigned Long Multiply, with Accumulate.
SMULL Signed Long Multiply.
SMLAL Signed Long Multiply, with Accumulate.
RdHi, RdLo
are the destination registers. For UMLAL and SMLAL they also hold the accu
mulating value.
Rn, Rm
are registers holding the operands.
The UMULL instruction interprets the values from Rn and Rm as unsigned integers. It multiplies these integers and
places the least significant 32 bits of the result in RdLo, and the most significant 32 bits of the result in RdHi.
The UMLAL instruction interprets the values from Rn and Rm as unsigned integers. It multiplies these integers, adds the
64-bit result to the 64-bit unsigned integer contained in RdHi and RdLo, and writes the result back to RdHi and RdLo.
The SMULL instruction interprets the values from Rn and Rm as two’s complement signed integers. It multiplies these
integers and places the least significant 32 bits of the result in RdLo, and the most significant 32 bits of the result in RdHi.
The SMLAL instruction interprets the values from Rn and Rm as two’s complement signed integers. It multiplies these
integers, adds the 64-bit result to the 64-bit signed integer contained in RdHi and RdLo, and writes the result back to
RdHi and RdLo.
In these instructions:
Do not use SP and do not use PC
RdHi and RdLo must be different registers.
Condition Flags
These instructions do not affect the condition code flags.
    UMULL       R0, R4, R5, R6   ; Unsigned (R4,R0) = R5 x R6
    SMLAL       R4, R5, R3, R8   ; Signed (R5,R4) = (R5,R4) + R3 x R8