Atmel SAM4S-EK2 Atmel ATSAM4S-EK2 ATSAM4S-EK2 Data Sheet

Product codes
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11100E–ATARM–24-Jul-13 Status and Change Detection
After filtering, the quadrature signals are analyzed to extract the rotation direction and edges of the 2 quadrature signals
detected in order to be counted by timer/counter logic downstream.
The direction status can be directly read at anytime on TC_QISR register. The polarity of the direction flag status
depends on the configuration written in TC_BMR register. INVA, INVB, INVIDX, SWAP modify the polarity of DIR flag.
Any change in rotation direction is reported on TC_QISR register and can generate an interrupt.
The direction change condition is reported as soon as 2 consecutive edges on a phase signal have sampled the same
value on the other phase signal and there is an edge on the other signal. The 2 consecutive edges of 1 phase signal
sampling the same value on other phase signal is not sufficient to declare a direction change, for the reason that
particulate contamination may mask one or more reflective bar on the optical or magnetic disk of the sensor. (Refer to
Figure 36-18.Rotation Change Detection
The direction change detection is disabled when QDTRANS is set to 1 in TC_BMR. In this case the DIR flag report must
not be used.
A quadrature error is also reported by the quadrature decoder logic. Rather than reporting an error only when 2 edges
occur at the same time on PHA and PHB, which is unlikely to occur in real life, there is a report if the time difference
between 2 edges on PHA, PHB is lower than a predefined value. This predefined value is configurable and corresponds
Direction Change under normal conditions
change condition
Report Time
No direction change due to particulate contamination masking a reflective bar
spurious change condition (if detected in a simple way)
same phase
missing pulse