Atmel Evaluation Kit AT91SAM9M10-G45-EK AT91SAM9M10-G45-EK Data Sheet

Product codes
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• LAT_COMP:  Decoder  Latency  Compensation
Decoder latency compensation value in clock cycles.
If the best case latency (from bus request to bus grant, or from data request to data receive) is known, the value can be
written to these register bits used to compensate the delay. If the latency value is unknown, these bits should be written to
Setting the compensation value higher than the best case latency can cause data corruption.
• DOPF:  Decoder  Output  Picture  Format
0: Output format is raster scan, i.e. pixel rows are written in consecutive memory.
1: Output format is tiled, i.e. macroblocks are written in consecutive memory addresses.
• AHB_BURST:  AHB  Precise  Burst  and  Data  Discard  Enable
0: INCR bursts of undefined length 2 or 3 may be issued when necessary.
1: Only the precise AHB bursts (SINGLE, INCR4, INCR8 and INCR16) are used in SDRAM read accesses. Extra data is
discarded internally.
• DI_LE:  Decoder  Input  Endian  Mode
0: Big endian.
1: Little endian.
• HTI:  Hardware  Timeout  Interrupt  Enable
0:Hardware Timeout Interrupt Disable.
1: Hardware Timeout Interrupt Enable.