Linear Technology DC1238A LTM8021 36V, 500mA Step-Down μModule Regulator DC1238A DC1238A Data Sheet

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For more information 
applicaTions inForMaTion
For most applications, the design process is straight 
forward, summarized as follows:
1. Refer to Table 1 for the row that has the desired input 
range and output voltage.
2. Apply the recommended C
, C
 and R
3. Connect BIAS as indicated.
While these component combinations have been tested for 
proper operation, it is incumbent upon the user to verify 
proper operation over the intended system’s line, load and 
environmental conditions.
If the desired output voltage is not listed in Table 1, set the 
output by applying an R
 resistor whose value is given 
by the equation, R
 = 80/(V
 – 0.80), where R
in k and V
 is in volts. Verify the LTM8021’s operation 
over the system’s intended line, load and environmental 
Minimum Duty Cycle
The LTM8021 has a fixed 1.1MHz switching frequency.  For 
any given output voltage, the duty cycle falls as the input 
voltage rises. At very large V
 to V
 ratios, the duty 
cycle can be very small. Because the LTM8021’s internal 
controller IC has a minimum on-time, the regulator will 
skip cycles in order to maintain output voltage regulation. 
This will result in a larger output voltage ripple and possible 
disturbances during recovery from a transient load step. 
The component values provided in Table 1 allow for skip 
cycle operation, but hold the resultant output ripple to 
around 50mV, or less. If even less ripple is desired, then 
more output capacitance may be necessary. Adding a feed-
forward capacitor has been empirically shown to modestly 
extend the input voltage range to where the LTM8021 does 
not skip cycles. Apply the feedforward capacitor between 
the V
 pins and ADJ. This injects perturbations into the 
control loop, therefore, values larger than 50pF are not 
recommended. A good value to start with is 12pF.
The LTM8021 is a standalone nonisolated step-down 
switching DC/DC power supply. It can deliver up to 
500mA of DC output current with only bulk external input 
and output capacitors. This module provides a precisely 
regulated output voltage programmable via one external 
resistor from 0.8V
 to 5V
. The input voltage range is 3V 
to 36V. Given that the LTM8021 is a step-down converter, 
make sure that the input voltage is high enough to support 
the desired output voltage and load current. Please refer 
to the simplified Block Diagram.
The LTM8021 contains a current mode controller, power 
switching element, power inductor, power Schottky diode 
and a modest amount of input and output capacitance. 
With its high performance current mode controller and 
internal feedback loop compensation, the LTM8021 module 
has sufficient stability margin and good transient perfor-
mance under a wide range of operating conditions with a 
wide range of output capacitors, even all ceramic ones (X5R 
or X7R). Current mode control provides cycle-by-cycle 
fast current limit, and automatic current limiting protects 
the module in the event of a short circuit or overload fault.
The LTM8021 is based upon a 1.1MHz fixed frequency 
PWM current mode controller, equipped with cycle skip 
capability for low voltage outputs or light loads. A frequency 
foldback scheme helps to protect internal components from 
overstress under heavy and short-circuit output loads.
The drive circuit for the internal power switching element 
is powered through the BIAS pin. Power this pin with at 
least 3V.