Atmel SAM4L-EK Atmel ATSAM4L-EK ATSAM4L-EK Data Sheet

Product codes
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Setting Up and Performing a Transfer 
Operation of the TWIS is mainly controlled by the Control Register (CR). The following list pres-
ents the main steps in a typical communication:
Before any transfers can be performed, bus timings must be configured by writing to the 
Timing Register (TR) and, if HS-mode transfer is supported, the HS-mode Timing Reg-
ister (HSTR).
If the Peripheral DMA Controller is to be used for the transfers, it must be set up.
The Control Register (CR) must be configured with information such as the slave 
address, SMBus mode, Packet Error Checking (PEC), number of bytes to transfer, and 
which addresses to match.
The interrupt system can be set up to generate interrupt request on specific events or error con-
ditions, for example when a byte has been received.
The NBYTES register is only used in SMBus mode, when PEC is enabled. In I²C mode or in
SMBus mode when PEC is disabled, the NBYTES register is not used, and should be written to
zero. NBYTES is updated by hardware, so in order to avoid hazards, software updates of
NBYTES can only be done through writes to the NBYTES register.
Address Matching
The TWIS can be set up to match several different addresses. More than one address match
may be enabled simultaneously, allowing the TWIS to be assigned to several addresses. The
address matching phase is initiated after a START or REPEATED START condition. When the
TWIS receives an address that generates an address match, an ACK is automatically returned
to the master.
In I²C mode:
• The address in CR.ADR is checked for address match if CR.SMATCH is one.
• The General Call address is checked for address match if CR.GCMATCH is one.
In SMBus mode:
• The address in CR.ADR is checked for address match if CR.SMATCH is one.
• The Alert Response Address is checked for address match if CR.SMAL is one.
• The Default Address is checked for address match if CR.SMDA is one.
• The Host Header Address is checked for address match if CR.SMHH is one.
Clock Stretching
Any slave or bus master taking part in a transfer may extend the TWCK low period at any time.
The TWIS may extend the TWCK low period after each byte transfer if CR.STREN is one and:
• Module is in slave transmitter mode, data should be transmitted, but THR is empty, or
• Module is in slave receiver mode, a byte has been received and placed into the internal 
shifter, but the Receive Holding Register (RHR) is full, or
• Stretch-on-address-match bit CR.SOAM=1 and slave was addressed. Bus clock remains 
stretched until all address match bits in the Status Register (SR) have been cleared.
If CR.STREN is zero and:
• Module is in slave transmitter mode, data should be transmitted but THR is empty: Transmit 
the value present in THR (the last transmitted byte or reset value), and set SR.URUN.