Linear Technology LT4363-1 Demo Board: High Voltage Surge Stopper with Current Limit, Latch-Off Version DC1935A-A DC1935A-A Data Sheet

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Some power systems must cope with high voltage surges 
of short duration such as those in vehicles. Load circuitry 
must be protected from these transients, yet high availability 
systems must continue operating during these events.
The LT4363 is an overvoltage protection regulator that 
drives an external N-channel MOSFET as the pass transis-
tor. It operates from a wide supply voltage range of 4V to 
80V. It can also be pulled below ground potential by up 
to 60V without damage. The low power supply require-
ment of 4V allows it to operate even during cold cranking 
conditions in automotive applications. The internal charge 
pump turns on the N-channel MOSFET to supply current 
to the loads with very little power loss. Two MOSFETs can 
be connected back to back to replace an inline Schottky 
diode for reverse input protection. This improves the ef-
ficiency and increases the available supply voltage level 
to the load circuitry during cold crank.
Normally, the pass transistor is fully on, powering the loads 
with very little voltage drop. When the supply voltage surges 
too high, the voltage amplifier (VA) controls the gate of the 
MOSFET and regulates the voltage at the OUT pin to a level 
that is set by the external resistive divider from the OUT 
pin to ground and the internal 1.275V reference. A current 
source starts charging up the capacitor connected at the 
TMR pin to ground. If the TMR voltage reaches 1.275V, 
the FLT pin pulls low to indicate impending turn-off due 
to the overvoltage condition. The pass transistor stays on 
until TMR reaches 1.375V, at which point the GATE pin 
pulls low turning off the MOSFET.
A current continues to pull the TMR pin up until it reaches 
about 4.3V, at which point the current reverses direction 
and pulls the TMR pin down. For the LT4363-2 version, 
when the voltage at the TMR pin reaches 0.5V the GATE 
pin begins rising, turning on the MOSFET. The FLT pin will 
then return to a high impedance state. For the latch-off 
version, LT4363-1, both the GATE and FLT pins remain 
low even after TMR has reached the 0.5V threshold. Allow 
sufficient time for TMR to discharge to 0.5V and for the 
MOSFET to cool before attempting to reset the part. To 
reset, pull the SHDN pin low for at least 100µs, then pull 
high with a slew rate of at least 10V/ms.
The fault timer allows the load to continue functioning 
during short transient events while protecting the MOSFET 
from being damaged by a long period of supply overvolt-
age, such as a load dump in vehicles. The timer period 
varies with the voltage across the MOSFET. A higher volt-
age corresponds to a shorter fault timer period, helping 
to keep the MOSFET within its safe operating area (SOA).
The LT4363 senses an overcurrent condition by monitor-
ing the voltage across an optional sense resistor placed 
between the SNS and OUT pins. An active current limit 
circuit (IA) controls the GATE pin to limit the sense volt-
age to 50mV, if the OUT pin potential is above 2V. In the 
case of a severe output short that brings OUT below 2V, 
the servo sense voltage is reduced to 25mV to reduce 
the stress on the pass transistor. During current limit, the 
current charging the TMR capacitor is about 5 times the 
current during an overvoltage event. The FLT pin pulls low 
when the TMR voltage reaches 1.275V and the MOSFET 
is turned off when it reaches 1.375V. The MOSFET turns 
back on and the FLT pin returns to a high impedance state 
after TMR has reached the 0.5V threshold for the LT4363-2 
version. For the latch-off version, LT4363-1, both the GATE 
and  FLT pins remain low even after TMR has reached 
the 0.5V threshold. Reset the part in the same way as in 
overvoltage time-out case.
An accurate undervoltage comparator keeps the GATE 
pin low until the voltage at the UV pin is above the 
1.275V threshold. An overvoltage comparator prevents 
the MOSFET from turning on after fault time-out while 
the voltage at the OV pin is still above 1.275V for the 
LT4363-2. The SHDN pin turns off the pass transistor 
and all the internal circuitry, reducing the supply current 
to a mere 7µA.