Atmel Xplained Pro Evaluation Kit for the ATSAMD21J18A Microcontroller ATSAMD21-XPRO ATSAMD21-XPRO Data Sheet

Product codes
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Writing a one to this bit will set the DFLL Lock Coarse Interrupt Enable bit, which enables the DFLL Lock Coarse 
Bit 6 – DFLLLCKF: DFLL Lock Fine Interrupt Enable
0: The DFLL Lock Fine interrupt is disabled.
1: The DFLL Lock Fine interrupt is enabled, and an interrupt request will be generated when the DFLL Lock Fine 
Interrupt flag is set.
Writing a zero to this bit has no effect.
Writing a one to this bit will set the DFLL Lock Fine Interrupt Disable/Enable bit, disable the DFLL Lock Fine inter-
rupt and set the corresponding interrupt request.
Bit 5 – DFLLOOB: DFLL Out Of Bounds Interrupt Enable
0: The DFLL Out Of Bounds interrupt is disabled.
1: The DFLL Out Of Bounds interrupt is enabled, and an interrupt request will be generated when the DFLL Out Of 
Bounds Interrupt flag is set.
Writing a zero to this bit has no effect.
Writing a one to this bit will set the DFLL Out Of Bounds Interrupt Enable bit, which enables the DFLL Out Of 
Bounds interrupt.
Bit 4 – DFLLRDY: DFLL Ready Interrupt Enable
0: The DFLL Ready interrupt is disabled.
1: The DFLL Ready interrupt is enabled, and an interrupt request will be generated when the DFLL Ready Interrupt 
flag is set.
Writing a zero to this bit has no effect.
Writing a one to this bit will set the DFLL Ready Interrupt Enable bit, which enables the DFLL Ready interrupt and 
set the corresponding interrupt request.
Bit 3 – OSC8MRDY: OSC8M Ready Interrupt Enable
0: The OSC8M Ready interrupt is disabled.
1: The OSC8M Ready interrupt is enabled, and an interrupt request will be generated when the OSC8M Ready 
Interrupt flag is set.
Writing a zero to this bit has no effect.
Writing a one to this bit will set the OSC8M Ready Interrupt Enable bit, which enables the OSC8M Ready interrupt.
Bit 2 – OSC32KRDY: OSC32K Ready Interrupt Enable
0: The OSC32K Ready interrupt is disabled.
1: The OSC32K Ready interrupt is enabled, and an interrupt request will be generated when the OSC32K Ready 
Interrupt flag is set.
Writing a zero to this bit has no effect.
Writing a one to this bit will set the OSC32K Ready Interrupt Enable bit, which enables the OSC32K Ready 
Bit 1 – XOSC32KRDY: XOSC32K Ready Interrupt Enable
0: The XOSC32K Ready interrupt is disabled.
1: The XOSC32K Ready interrupt is enabled, and an interrupt request will be generated when the XOSC32K 
Ready Interrupt flag is set.
Writing a zero to this bit has no effect.
Writing a one to this bit will set the XOSC32K Ready Interrupt Enable bit, which enables the XOSC32K Ready 
Bit 0 – XOSCRDY: XOSC Ready Interrupt Enable
0: The XOSC Ready interrupt is disabled.