Atmel Xplained Pro Evaluation Kit for the ATSAMD21J18A Microcontroller ATSAMD21-XPRO ATSAMD21-XPRO Data Sheet

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Destination address for the block transfer must be selected by writing the Block Transfer Destination 
Address (
If CRC calculation is needed the CRC module must be configured before it is enabled, as outlined by the following steps:
CRC input source must selected by writing the CRC Input Source bit group in the CRC Control register 
Type of CRC calculation must be selected by writing the CRC Polynomial Type bit group in the CRC Control 
register (
If I/O is chosen as input source, the beat size must be selected by writing the CRC Beat Size bit group in the CRC 
Control register (
.CRCBEATSIZE)  Enabling, Disabling and Resetting
The DMAC is enabled by writing a one to the DMA Enable bit in the Control register (
disabled by writing a zero to 
.ENABLE), after 
writing the corresponding channel id to the Channel ID bit group in the Channel ID register (
.ID). A DMA channel is 
disabled by writing a zero to 
disabled by writing a zero to 
.SWRST), when the DMAC 
and CRC are disabled. All registers in the DMAC, except 
, will be reset to their initial state.
A DMA channel is reset by writing a one to the Software Reset bit in the Channel Control A register (
after writing the corresponding channel id to the Channel ID bit group in the Channel ID register (
.ID). The channel 
registers will be reset to their initial state. The corresponding DMA channel must be disabled in order for the reset to take 
effect.  Transfer Descriptors
Together with the channel configurations the transfer descriptors decides how a block transfer should be executed. 
Before a DMA channel is enabled (
.ENABLE is written to one), and receives a transfer trigger, its first transfer 
descriptor has to be initialized and valid (
.VALID). The first transfer descriptor describes the first block transfer of 
a transaction. For further details on the content of a transfer descriptor, refer to 
All transfer descriptors must reside in SRAM and the addresses stored in the Descriptor Memory Section Base Address 
) and Write-Back Memory Section Base Address (
descriptor memory section and the write-back memory section.
The descriptor memory section is where the DMAC expects to find the first transfer descriptors for all DMA channels. As 
 points only to the first transfer descriptor of channel 0, refer to 
, all first transfer descriptors must 
be stored in a contiguous memory section, where the transfer descriptors must be ordered according to their channel 
 shows an example of linked descriptors on DMA channel 0. For further details on linked descriptors, 
refer to 
The write-back memory section is the section where the DMAC stores the transfer descriptors for the ongoing block 
 points to the ongoing transfer descriptor of channel 0. All ongoing transfer descriptors will be 
stored in a contiguous memory section where the transfer descriptors are ordered according to their channel number. 
 shows an example of linked descriptors on DMA channel 0. For further details on linked descriptors, refer to