Olimex Open Source Hardware MAPLE / ARDUINO like development board OLIMEXINO-STM32 OLIMEXINO-STM32 User Manual

Product codes
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assembled and tested board
How to order?
You can order to us directly or by any of our distributors.
Check our web 
 for more info.
Board revision history:
Notable Changes
- C6 (100n/0603) is changed to 4.7uF/0603.
- Removed the label "<c> 2011".
- Logos added: Open Hardware, Designed by OLIMEX and Made in 
Bulgaria, 2011 logos
- Added divider which includes R34, R35 and C32 with aim to measure 
the battery.
- All tracks which were placed close to board's edges were moved as 
far as possible away from them.
- Some changes in the values of some components were made
- Added closed by default SMD jumpers on LED2 and R10(UEXT_CS)lines
- The table with the jumper description is now updated
- Some logos and print lines have been re-arranged
- Added again the PWR JACK connector for the external supply in the 
board design and schematic
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