Uhlenbrock 65100 Intellibox II DCC System 65100 Data Sheet

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Intellibox II 
10. The Infrared Remote Control IRIS
10.1 Description of the Infrared Remote Control 
10.1.1 Function Mode 
The Intellibox Infrared Controller IRIS extends the Intellibox II with a wireless remote 
control for interiors, with a range of up to 10m. 
The IRIS remote control can be used to select all locomotives on a Digital layout and 
control their direction, speed and special functions. IRIS can switch all solenoids and 
activate all routes which are stored in an Intellibox II.  
IRIS is provided with 4 channels, operable with keys A, B C and D.   Each 
channel can control its own locomotive or solenoid. If for e.g. channel A 
controls locomotive with address 15 and solenoids 1 to 4 then channel 
B can control locomotive 20 and solenoids 13 to 16.  If the remote 
control is active, one can quickly switch from one locomotive to 
another.  If a number of players  are  using  different  hand  
controls  (up to 4 with an Intellibox), each can operate on a   
different  channel   without  affecting  the locomotives of the 
other players, provided they don’t have the same address. 
You   can   also   operate a different set of solenoids 
selected on each channel.  The addresses selected for 
each channel are saved in the Intellibox and are still 
available after switching off and on again.  By default 
channel A, B, C and D are assigned locomotives 1, 
2, 3 and 4 respectively.  By default all channels 
control solenoids 1 to 4.
10.1.2 Operating controls 
Control LED 
The LED blinks as long as a key is being pressed on a remote control.
Selection keys 
L  Starts the selection of a locomotive address 
S  Starts the selection of a solenoid address 
T  Starts the selection of a route 
S  Turns track power on and off 
Number keys 
0 to 9
To enter locomotive, solenoid and route addresses