Uhlenbrock 65100 Intellibox II DCC System 65100 Data Sheet

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Intellibox II 
List of Special options 
Special Option No. 25 
In the factory setting the Intellibox only sends a data format only if a decoder with the 
appropriate format is addressed and is still in the refresh cycle. Alternatively the Intellibox 
can be setup so that this data format is constantly being output even if no address with this 
data format was called before. 
For example the malfunctioning of some Motorola decoders can be prevented this way 
where they automatically switch into the analogue mode the instant they stop receiving the 
Motorola signal. 
The input value is calculated by the following table.  The values of the desired options are 
Option Value 
DCC signal only if required  
permanent DCC signal 

Motorola signal only if required 
permanent Motorola signal 

Selectrix signal only if required 
permanent Selectrix Signal

If the Motorola signal is to be sent permanently and the DCC signal only if required the 
input is calculated as follows: 
DCC signal only if required  
value = 0  
Permanent Motorola signal  
value = 2 
Selectrix signal only if required 
value = 0 
The calculated sum (here 2) is entered as value for this special option.  
Factory setting is 2. 
Special Option No. 27 
Time between the last command delivered to a locomotive and the time when the 
commands for that loco are purged from the refresh cycle  
0 = no “purging” 
1 -240 = Time in minutes between the last command and purging. 
factory default = 2 
Special Option No. 28 
Defines the purging condition 
0 = locomotive speed equal 0 (Factory default) 
1 = locomotive speed not equal 0