Uhlenbrock 65100 Intellibox II DCC System 65100 Data Sheet

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Intellibox II 
5.5 The LokPosi Display 
The LokPosi Display in conjunction with the LISSY System shows the position of a loco. 
The Intellibox II gets information from the LISSY System about which locomotive is at 
which position on the layout. This information about the location of a locomotive is saved 
by the Intellibox II. If a locomotive is called up its location is displayed in the LokPosi field. 
If the loco moves the indication is deleted because the locomotive has departed the last 
location. If the loco enters another track section that is controlled by a LISSY receiver the 
new location is displayed in the LokPosi field.
The LokPosi field either contains the number of the LISSY receiver, at which the loco is 
located or the name of that track section in the event that the LISSY receiver has been 
assigned a name. How a name can be assigned to a LISSY receiver is outlined in Chapter 