Eaton Powerware 9155-10-N-20-64x7Ah-MBS 1022512 User Manual

Product codes
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Premium power performance
Double-conversion design for highest power protection
Unlike some other commercially available UPS technologies,
the double-conversion design used in the 9155/9355 completely
isolates output power from input power anomalies and delivers
100-percent conditioned, perfect sine wave output, regulating
both voltage and frequency. Even when presented with the most
severe power disturbances, power output remains stable.
The 9155/9355 continually monitors incoming electrical power and
removes all power irregularities that are inherent in commercial
utility power. During power outages and other interruptions, inter-
nal batteries provide emergency power to safeguard operation.
With the 9155/9355 UPS, data centre and facility managers can
rest assured that their systems and equipment are fully protected
from the effects of mains disturbances.
The 9155/9355 constantly monitors its own operation – including
voltage, temperature and function of internal components – and
sends an alarm or takes action if it detects a potential problem.
Efficiency and cost savings
The 9155/9355 delivers a robust combination of low input current
distortion and high power factor for maximum efficiency. Operating
at greater than 90 percent efficiency across all load ranges, the
9155/9355 helps to reduce utility costs, extend battery runtimes
and produce cooler operating conditions.
In addition, Eaton´s use of sustainable materials and highly effi-
cient manufacturing technology results in savings in carbon foot
print compared to competitive UPS products.
The 9155/9355 UPS provides industry-leading power density and a
10-40 percent footprint reduction versus comparable UPS solutions.  
All standard 9155/9355 configurations incorporate internal bat-
teries to provide significantly more runtime and offer 13 percent
more capacity at equivalent VA ratings. Extended runtime allows
the 9155/9355 to power this extra capacity for nearly four times
longer without requiring additional hardware, eliminating the need
for costly and space-consuming external battery cabinets.
Standard 10 kVA and 20 kVA capacity models can also be upgrad-
ed to 15 kVA and 30 kVA respectively, providing 50 percent more
power with no additional hardware and no increase in footprint.
The small footprint of the 9155/9355 enables easy space planning
for data centres and saves valuable floorspace.
If it senses a problem, the 9155/9355 instantly transfers the power
path to a bypass source with zero interruption in power. When the
alarm condition passes, the 9155/9355 automatically reverts from
bypass to normal power.
The 9155/9355 features a graphical LCD that provides useful infor-
mation such as load status, events, measurements and settings.
The 9155/9355 UPS provides a 10-40 percent footprint reduction versus comparable UPS solutions
Maintenance bypass
Static bypass (switch)
AC Source
IT Loads
DC Link
Normal power flow 
Stored energy power flow 
Recharge energy flow
20-40 kVA UPS
8-15 kVA UPS    3