Weed Eater 186100 Owner's Manual

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FIG. 14
FIG. 13
CAUTION:  Until you are accustomed to 
handling your tiller, start actual fi eld use 
with throttle in slow position (mid-way 
between “FAST” and “IDLE”).
•     Tilling is digging into, turning over, and breaking up 
packed soil before planting. Loose, unpacked soil helps 
root growth. Best tilling depth is 4" to 6" (10-15 cm).  
A tiller will also clear the soil of unwanted vege ta tion. 
The de com po si tion of this vegetable mat ter enriches 
the soil.  Depending on the climate (rain fall and wind), 
it may be advisable to till the soil at the end of the 
growing season to further condition the soil.
•         Soil conditions are important for proper tilling. Tines will 
not readily penetrate dry, hard soil which may con trib ute 
to excessive bounce and diffi cult handling of your tiller. 
Hard soil should be mois tened before tilling; however, 
extremely wet soil will “ball-up” or clump during tilling. 
Wait until the soil is less wet in order to achieve the 
best results. When tilling in the fall, re move vines and 
long grass to prevent them from wrapping around the 
tine shaft and slowing your tilling operation.
•      You will fi nd tilling much easier if you leave a row un-
tilled between passes. Then go back between tilled 
rows. (See Fig. 14) There are two reasons for doing 
this. First, wide turns are much easier to negotiate than 
about-faces. Sec ond, the tiller won’t be pulling  itself, 
and you, toward the row next to it.
•         Do not lean on handle.  This takes weight off the wheels 
and reduces traction.  To get through a really tough 
section of sod or hard ground, apply upward pressure 
on handle or lower the depth stake. 
CAUTION:  Keep drive control bar in 
“DISENGAGED” position when start-
 ing en gine.
When starting engine for the fi rst time or if engine has run 
out  of fuel, it will take extra pulls of the recoil starter to 
move fuel from the tank to the engine.
•      Make sure spark plug wire is prop er ly connected.
•      Move shift lever indicator to “N” (neutral) position.
•      Place throttle control in “FAST” position.
•         To start a cold engine, push primer fi ve (5) times before 
trying to start.  Use a fi rm push.  This step is not usually 
necessary when starting an engine which has already 
run for a few minutes.
•     Grasp recoil starter handle with one hand and grasp 
tiller handle with other hand.  Pull rope out slowly until 
engine reaches start of com pres sion cycle (rope will 
pull slightly harder at this point).
•     Pull recoil starter handle quickly.  Do not let starter 
handle snap back against starter.
•     Allow engine to warm up for a few minutes before 
engaging tines.
NOTE:  In cooler weather it may be necessary to repeat
priming steps.  In warmer weather over priming may 
cause fl ooding and engine will not start.  If you do fl ood 
engine, wait a few minutes before attempting to start and 
do not repeat priming steps.