Behringer Ultramatch Pro SRC2496 Quick Setup Guide

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Quick Start Guide
The digital XLR output is the standard output 
connector for AES/EBU signals (AES/EBU LED lights up). 
When S/PDIF is selected, the XLR output also provides 
this signal.
This is the OPTICAL (Toslink) output connector of the 
ULTRAMATCH PRO. When the unit is shipped, the optical 
Toslink input/output connectors have dummy plugs 
attached to protect them from dirt and to prevent 
the emission of light. These dummy plugs can be 
removed easily if you wish to use the connectors. 
The digital standard format for this output is S/PDIF. 
However, you can also transmit AES/EBU signals via 
this output.
RCA output. The digital standard format for this output 
is also S/PDIF. If AES/EBU has been selected in the output 
section, this output also provides AES/EBU signals. 
Unlike the XLR connector, however, this output allows 
for  unbalanced signal transmission.
The RCA input is the digital standard input for 
S/PDIF signals.
The OPTICAL input (Toslink) is also used for 
S/PDIF signals. 
XLR input. The digital XLR input is the standard input 
connector for AES/EBU signals. It can also be used to feed 
in S/PDIF signals, like the RCA and OPTICAL inputs which 
can be used to process AES/EBU signals in addition to the 
S/PDIF format.
ANALOG OUTPUTS. These balanced analog XLR 
outputs (stereo) provide the analog signal generated 
by conversion from a digital format. 
ANALOG INPUTS. Use these balanced analog XLR inputs 
(stereo) to feed in analog line level signals. 
Check Out for Full Manual
Fig. 1: Example: A/D conversion of a microphone signal
Fig. 2: Example: A/D conversion of tape recordings
Channel input
Subgroup outputs
Analog inputs/L+R
Digital input/Sound card
Digital Audio
Digital outputs
Digital Audio Workstation
Digital input
Digital output
Analog inputs
Line outputs
Monitor and input sections. The monitor section enables 
you to adjust the signal level applied to the analog 
input and features a controllable headphone connector. 
A clearly structured LED array provides you with detailed 
information on the various parameters of the digital 
input signal.
Mode section. Here, you can determine whether your 
ULTRAMATCH PRO is working as a sampling rate converter 
or A/D-D/A converter. 
Output section. The buttons in the output section allow 
you to tailor the output signal to meet your requirements. 
Similarly to the input section, the display provides you 
with all the information on the output signal.
Use the GAIN control to adapt the signal level perfectly to 
the circuitry of your ULTRAMATCH PRO. The level should be 
as high as possible, but the 0 dB LED should only light up 
occasionally or never at all to avoid distortion.
The PHONES control governs the headphone volume. 
You can monitor either the analog output or input by 
setting the SOURCE switch accordingly. The analog 
output always provides the signal applied to the selected 
digital input, so this signal can be monitored with the 
headphones, too.
This is the stereo 1/4" TRS connector for your headphones.
The ANALOG IN and/or ANALOG OUT LEDs indicate 
which signal (input or output) is being displayed by the 
level meter.
The SOURCE switch routes the analog input or output 
signal to the level meter.
LEVEL METER. The signal shown here can always be 
monitored with the headphones.
This LED array displays the sampling rate of the digital 
input signal. One LED lights up constantly when the 
sampling rate is kept accurately or does not deviate 
from the nominal value by more than approx. 2 kHz. 
Otherwise, the LED for the next value starts flashing.
The LOCK LED lights up when a valid digital signal—
to which the ULTRAMATCH PRO can be synchronized—
is applied to the active input. When digital input signals 
are being processed, this LED should be on all the time, 
showing the presence of a stable input signal.
ERROR LED warns you of erroneous (or the absence of 
any) input signals. It displays various error modes, such as 
“Unlock,” “Parity Error,” “Bi-Phase Error” and “Confidence 
Error.” The signal is then checked as to whether or not 
it is an audio signal. Any detected error makes the 
SRC2496 mute all of its outputs to protect down-stream 
audio equipment. As long as the ERROR LED is lit, 
the ULTRAMATCH PRO cannot process any input signals.
The EMPH LED shows you whether or not the 
input signal includes an emphasis marker. 
“Emphasis” is a high-frequency boost function that 
is applied during the digital recording but is undone 
during playback. When the LED lights up, the signal 
was emphasis-processed during recording. You should 
always make sure that the EMPH LEDs in the input and 
output sections read the same status.
COPY LED (= copyright) lights up when the input 
signal was supplied from a copy-protected data carrier. 
ORIG LED (= original) informs you that the audio 
signal received is an original signal, i.e. that it can 
be copied.
The AES/EBU LED lights up when an AES/EBU signal has 
been applied at the active input connector. 
The same holds true for the S/PDIF LED, i.e. when a 
consumer-format signal has been applied.
If the unit is set to A/D and D/A converter mode, 
the S/PDIF LED lights up even when no digital signal is 
present. This is due to the circuitry used and does not 
indicate a malfunction of the unit.
Use the SOURCE switch to select the active input. 
Only one digital input can be activated at a time. 
However, in A/D-D/A converter mode, you can use one 
digital input and the analog inputs simultaneously 
(parallel A/D and D/A conversion).
The LEDs XLR, RCA and OPTICAL indicate the input 
activated by the user. 
The two LEDs SAMPLE RATE CONV and A/D & 
D/A CONV inform you about the operating mode 
of your SRC2496, i.e. sampling rate converter or 
A/D-D/A converter.
Use the MODE switch to switch over between 
these two operating modes.
The SAMPLE RATE switch selects the sampling rate 
to which the input signal is to be converted or made 
available at the outputs. 
The LEDs 32 kHz, 44.1 kHz, 48 kHz, 88.2 kHz and 
96 kHz read the sampling rate selected with the Sample 
Rate switch. If the sampling rate is preset by an external 
wordclock or generated via the digital input signal, 
the LEDs light up constantly, thus reading the external 
sampling rate (with a deviation of ± 2 kHz). The next 
value (= deviation of >2 kHz) is displayed by one of the 
LEDs flashing. 
The CLOCK switch allows you to select the source 
determining the sampling rate at the digital output 
The PLL LOCK LED shows you that your SRC2496 
is processing properly the wordclock signals applied.
INTERNAL LED lights up when the SRC2496 
generates the sampling rate by itself (master), which is 
the preferred mode for the ULTRAMATCH PRO acting as 
an A/D converter.
EXTERNAL LED lights up when the sampling rate is 
governed by an external wordclock signal. The external 
mode also allows you to generate sampling rates at the 
output that could not be generated by the SRC2496 as a 
master unit.
When the DIG IN LED lights up, your SRC2496 uses the 
wordclock signal included in the digital audio signal fed 
into the unit. This setting is useful if you do not want to 
convert the sampling rate, but only the format of the 
digital output signal (S/PDIF to AES/EBU or vice versa).
The FORMAT switch determines the format of the 
digital data stream on the output side, as defined in 
the Channel Status data. Available formats are AES/EBU 
and S/PDIF.
The LEDs AES/EBU and S/PDIF show the adjusted 
output format, which is present at all three digital 
outputs. Using an appropriate cable you could also route 
an S/PDIF signal from the XLR output to a second unit, 
in case the RCA output is already in use.
Use the WORDLENGTH switch to select the digital 
word length of your choice (16, 20 or 24 bits). 
The LEDs 24 BIT, 20 BIT and 16 BIT read the word 
length selected.
The DITHER switch enables/disables the dither function.
The EMPH LED lights up when the emphasis bit has 
been set in the output signal. Use the EMPHASIS 
switch to enable/ disable this function. To avoid sound 
deterioration, the LED in the output section should read 
the same status as the EMPH LED in the input section. 
In the rare case of a signal containing an emphasis bit 
without any treble boost applied, you can correct this 
here and switch off the emphasis bit.
The COPY switch (= copyright) allows you to set the 
status of the copy bits in the transmitted data stream. 
The LEDs COPY and ORIG inform you about the current 
status of the copy protection.
The BNC connector WORDCLOCK is a high-impedance 
connector with no internal terminating impedance 
(75 Ohms). Use it to connect equipment for external 
synchronization of your ULTRAMATCH PRO.