SouthPeak Interactive Velvet Assassin 613000000000 User Manual

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    Good to know!    
Proper sneaking is im
possible while wearing 
the ss uniform boots. 
enemies will hear you
footsteps on short dis
ss UnIfoRM MoDe
In some missions you will find an ss uniform which you can use to disguise 
yourself. but changing clothes is possible in wardrobes and toilets only.
GaMePlay effeCT:
While wearing the ss uniform, Violette looks and moves like her enemies. 
This allows you to cross areas guarded by German soldiers without being 
detected right away. but if you get too close to your enemies or draw 
a weapon, they will become suspicious and uncover you as a spy! The 
reddish screen and the decreasing ‘Disguise bar’ will help you identify any 
upcoming danger.