Southbend SB1023 User Manual

Page of 48
For Machines Mfg. Since 8/09
Model SB1023
If you need replacement parts, or if you are unsure how to do any of the solutions given here, feel free 
to call us at (360) 734-1540.
Possible Cause
Possible Solution
Machine does not 
1. Power supply switched off/has 
incorrect voltage.
1. Switch power supply on/verify voltage.
2. Blown fuse/tripped circuit breaker 
at main panel.
2. Correct the cause of overload, then reset/replace 
fuse or breaker.
3. Thermal overload relay has tripped.
3. Allow motor to cool. If necessary, press reset button 
inside switch.
4. Plug or receptacle is corroded or 
4. Clean/retighten contacts; correct the wiring.
5. Break or short in wiring; or loose 
5. Trace/replace broken or corroded wires; fix loose 
6. Motor ON/OFF switch at fault.
6. Replace switch.
7. Motor connection wired incorrectly.
7. Wire motor correctly (refer to inside junction box 
cover or manual).
8. Contactor not energized/has poor 
8. Test all legs for power, test field coil and replace if 
at fault.
9. Motor at fault.
9. Test for shorted windings, bad bearings and repair 
or replace.
Machine has exces-
sive vibration or 
1. Motor fan rubbing on fan cover.
1. Fix/replace fan cover; replace loose or damaged fan.
2. Motor is loose.
2. Tighten any loose fasteners.
3. Grinding wheel out of balance.
3. Dress and balance grinding wheel.
4. Motor bearings worn or damaged.
4. Replace motor bearings or replace motor.
Handwheel has 
excessive backlash, 
endplay, binds, or 
is difficult to move.
1. Leadscrew is dirty or lacks proper 
1. Clean and lubricate the leadscrew and service oil 
system (Page 30).
2. Leadscrew or leadscrew nut worn.
2. Adjust or replace leadscrew or leadscrew nut.
3. Linkage bolts, pins, and holes are 
loose or worn.
3. Replace linkage bolts, pins, and re-bush any worn 
pin holes.
4. Longitudinal feed rack and pinion 
are worn. 
4. Replace rack and pinion gears. 
Machine stalls or 
slows when operat-
1. Motor is being overloaded.
1. Reduce depth of cut.
2. Motor at fault.
2. Test for shorted windings, bad bearings and repair 
or replace.
Motor chatters 
during startup or 
during operation.
1. Extension cord (if used) is causing 
voltage drop.
1. Move machine closer to the power source, or use a 
larger gauge wire or shorter extension cord.
2. Low power supply voltage.
2. Have the power supply verified and corrected by an 