Ramsey Electronics MR6 User Manual

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The easiest way to use your MR6 is to tune your 2 meter scanner or receiver 
until you hit the “dead spot” indicating that it is receiving the carrier from your 
kit.  Turning the MR6 off will confirm that you’re on the right frequency.  You 
may want to get a little more creative with your MR6 and have something to 
listen for other than quieting.  The following are a few ideas that you may want 
to try using a simple 555 timer circuit.  If you don’t know where to get a 555 IC, 
our UT5 mini kit is based on this versatile chip and includes the PC board and 
other components you may need at a reasonable price. 
In the circuit shown below the tone is adjusted by R4, the 100K pot.  Simply 
connect the output to the oscillator input of the MR6 and vary the pot until you 
get a tone you like. Of course, changing the value of the pot or some of the 
other components will change the oscillator and therefore the audio tone.  Try 
different values and adjustments until you find the best sound for your applica-
A CDS photocell can be placed across the potentiometer from the junction 
Ground from circuit above 
connects here. 
Output of circuit above 
connects here