Renesas RZB-ZMD16C-ZDK User Manual

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Applications Engineering 
6.6. Global Variable RAM Usage  
You may create as many global variables for your user program as RAM space is available (896 bytes). A 
virtual RAM section at the start of the debugger’s RAM has been created to warn you if you try to allocate 
too much global RAM. Below is an example of the linker warning you will receive if you exceed the 
available RAM space: 
Phase M16C Linker starting 
C:\WorkSpace\test\test\ : Warning (ln30): 
C:\WorkSpace\test\test\Coord_Router\_ncrt0_zdk28.r30 :  
' section '
' is overlapped on the 'bss_NE' from 2380H to 
6.7. MAC Address Area 
Every 802.15.4 radio needs a globally unique 64-bit MAC address. Therefore, your ZDK boards have 
been pre-programmed with such an address. Please do not erase the Flash block that contains this 
. If you accidentally do erase the MAC address, you can find .mot files with replacement 
addresses in the C:\Renesas\RZB_ZMD16C_ZDK\Demos\Replacement MAC Addresses directory. 
Program one of those addresses into your board using the FoUSB programming software. Please make 
sure that the address you pick is unique and different from any address used by your other ZDK boards. 
6.8. ZbROM Flash Size 
The ZbROM area contains the ZigBee protocol stack and the RTOS used by the stack. The ZbROM 
image occupies the two lower 32kBytes MCU Flash memory blocks for a total of 64kBytes. This allocation 
was done to prevent the code from being erased by the debugger when downloading your user code. The 
actual Flash memory size used by the ZigBee stack and RTOS will be less depending on ZigBee stack 
configuration settings when using the full development environment. 
6.9. ZbROM RAM Size 
The RAM allocated for use by the ZigBee stack and RTOS is the maximum amount that would be used if 
the device were to function as a ZigBee coordinator. The actual RAM size used by the ZigBee stack and 
RTOS will be less for other ZigBee stack configurations when using the full development environment. 
6.10. ZigBee Stack Table Sizes 
Table 6-4: ZigBee Stack Table Sizes 
ZigBee Coordinator & Router 
Number of Entries 
ZigBee End Device 
Number of Entries 
Neighbor Table 
Router Table 
Router Discovery Table 
Broadcast Transmission Table 
RZB-ZMD16C-ZDK User’s Manual Rev 1.2  15/ 33 
August 2006