Sierra Products EF-5001UB User Manual

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Figure 19 Feed system access through hopper
P ro ble m :  W e had a power failure and the heater
emitted smok e for about five minutes.
Solution:  If the heater emits smoke during a power
failure, and you have frequent power failures then we
sug ges t you pu rchase  the battery ba ck -up s ystem . If
the vent pipe is installed according to these
ins tructio ns  the  sm ok e w ill sypho n out o f the pipe in
most instances.
P ro ble m :  After several week s of outstanding perfor-
mance, the heater suddenly stopped and the red light
under the control knob came on. This light is the Hi
Te m p/Flu e Ind icator  Light.
Solution:  The Hi-Temp/Flue Indicator light indicates
that fly ash has built up in the exhaust system and/or
there is a restriction in the exhaust/flue system. Check
the pipe system for excessive ash and clogging,
particularly the vent cap.  Remove the clean out cap
on the tee and make sure that ash has not blocked the
exhaust air flow. This automatic shut down in case of
flue clogging is a safety feature and if the shut down
oc cu rs it m ea ns  you have a problem  and sho uld
consult a service technician and/or clean your pipe
an d hea ter tho roug hly. If you fee l the  fly as h build up is
exc ess ive, we  sug ges t that you try anoth er brand . In
m ois t clim ate s th e pellets a nd  fly as h can  actua lly
absorb moisture from the air and create creosote and
a severe clogging problem. Keep this in mind when
you store a nd h and le your p ellets. T he h eate r warran ty
does not cover the quality of the fuels used or the way
they may be ha ndled either before or after you've
purchased them.
P ro ble m : I pres s a “Run ” bu tton  and th e hea ter did
not s tart.
Solution: Check for AC power. The autolite system
requ ires 110 V A C powe r to operate . If hea ter only
12V DC  battery pow er, follow  m anu al light pro ced ure. If
AC power is available, clean burn pot for heavy ash
deposit. Heavy ash deposits will act as insulator and
not allow pellets to light. Check autolite fuse located
on fuse panel to confirm fuse is not blown. Replace
fuse with 5  am p if req uired . 
P ro ble m :  I started to add pellet fuel and the heater
wen t out.
Solution:  The heater incorporates a safety switch
that will disable the feed system when the hopper door
is ope n. If fue l is to be adde d w hile heate r is in
operation it must be accomplished with in several
m inutes of opening the doo r.
P ro ble m :  I turned off the switch and the heater kept
Solution:  Th is is norm al. T he  exha us t blo we r will
ke ep  run ning until it c oo ls dow n and  the n it w ill
automatically turn off.  This can vary by the tempera-
ture the exhaust has reached and the temperature of
the cooling air.
10. P ro ble m : Feed system jam med.
Solution: This condition is caused by fuel contaminated
with hard materials such as rocks or metal objects. To
correct this remove all pellets from hopper. Unplug
heater from  any power sou rce (12V &  110V). Re m ove
the (4) nuts with a 3/8" nut driver attaching acces s cover.
Carefully remove cover and vacuum out remain pellets.
Locate the object jamm ing auger and reassemble. Plug
hea ter into p owe r sou rce and  pus h “R un” b utton . W ith
hopper door open, press safety switch down and view
au ge r op eratio n. If auge r turns freely add  fue l. An d prim e
fuel system.
W hen  the H i-Te m p/Flu e indic ator ligh t com es o n (red lite
beneath control knob) it means that the flue is obstructed or
you  have a re verse draft and  gase s c an no t ex it prop erly.
Maintenance is required and a thorough cleaning and pipe
check  m ust be perform ed.  (Check  to ma ke su re that the left
and right clean out covers were installed properly, this can
cause a Hi-Tem p indication)
TRIM button :  Underneath the control knob you will find a
sm all ro un d butto n th at w ill turn fo rward and  rev erse .  This
button can control the feed motor rate. By turning the button
clo ck wis e you can  increas e th e burn ra te a nd  by tu rning it
co un terclo ck wis e you can  decrea se  the  burn rate.  U se  this
to change the overall rate for different pellets.  For instance,
if the pellet ha s high ash and  burns dirty dec reas e th e "trim "
and if the heater goes out on low or has low flame increase
the "trim ".
M ove  this button  carefully!  It is designed to fine tune your
LO W  setting  in the e ven t you ch ang e bra nds  of pe llets
and/or live at a higher elevation.
Cus tom er Service &  Rep lacem ent Parts
Replacement parts are available from your local dealer or
on-line @ ww w.s ierrap rodu t  . Our call or write:
Customer Service
Sierra Products, Inc.
5061 Brooks St., Ste. B, Montclair, CA 91763
Phone 1-909-399-3355 x21
Fax 1-909-399-3357