Omnia Industries TV Cables 6FM User Manual

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Omnia 6 Use and Installation Guide – Version 1.00a 
This setting determines the time it takes for the LCD screens to turn off after the last time the jog wheel has 
been used. The selections are 1 min, 5 min, 15 min or 1 hour. To preserve the life of the LCD backlight, 
there is no option available for continuous operation. 
Set Time 
Sets the current time for the unit, which must be set before dayparts can be used. The time is set using the 
familiar “turn and push” action of the jog-wheel. 
Note: The time can be synchronized to “:00” seconds by pressing the jog wheel in synchronization with the 
seconds indicator of an external clock. To maintain accurate dayparting, you should periodically reset the 
internal clock to your external reference. The Real Time Clock IC used in the Omnia6-fm typically has an 
accuracy of better than +/- 0.5 minutes per month. 
Note: An additional menu will prompt you to set the unit to Daylight Saving or Standard time. 
Set Date 
Sets the current date, which needs to be done before daypart scheduling can be used. The date is set using 
the familiar “turn and push” action of the jog wheel. 
Displays a window listing the system software versions that are currently loaded and running. 
Change Password 
Opens up a window so that the selected Security Level password can be changed. 
The factory default passwords are: 
Level 1 – user (all lower case) 
Level 2 – advuser (all lower case) 
Level 3 – engineer (all lower case) Level 3 is the MASTER level with unlimited access. 
To change a password, use the standard click and turn of the jog-wheel to select the character position you 
wish to change and to select the new character for that position.  
After entering a new password, highlight the checkmark and click the jog-wheel to save the password. If 
you wish to cancel the operation, highlight the “X” and click the jog-wheel.