Quantum Pet Fence 6-01658-05 User Manual

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Chapter 2  StorNext GUI Overview
The StorNext Home Page
StorNext User’s Guide
Figure 6  Service - System 
Status screen
You can display tickets according to Open or Closed status, or view all 
tickets. If there are multiple screens of tickets, you can display the 
Previous or Next screen by clicking those buttons. Alternatively, you can 
go directly to a page by entering that number (such as 3 or 4) and then 
clicking the Page button.
On the Service - System Status screen you can do any of the following:
• View a specific ticket by selecting the desired ticket and then clicking 
the Details button
• Refresh (update) the list by clicking the Refresh button
• Close all tickets by clicking the Close All button 
StorNext Admin Alerts
The Admin Alert button appears at the bottom of the screen only when 
an admin alert has been generated. Admin alerts are informational 
messages about system activities you might want to be aware of, but are 
not necessarily an error condition. (Admin alerts do not require any 
action from StorNext users.) 
There are different types of admin alerts. Here are some conditions that 
could produce an admin alert:
• TSM Health Checks disk space warning
• TSM Intrusive Health Checks when drives are mounted