Quantum Pet Fence 6-01658-05 User Manual

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Chapter 5  Backing Up StorNext
Types of StorNext Software Backups
StorNext User’s Guide
• StorNext database journals
• Configuration files
• File system journal files
Setting up Email 
Notification For Backup
Before you run a StorNext backup, be sure to set up email notification as 
described in 
Email notification is an important part of the StorNext backup process. 
When you select the Backup option on the Configure Email Address 
screen (see 
 on page 70), key information about a completed 
backup is emailed to the address you specify. This email contains the 
following important information:
• The required media for restoring from a complete set
• Names of configured storage disks or deduplication storage disks
• Any SNFS configuration files for file systems that are not data 
migration-enabled are appended to the email
These backups DO NOT back up user data. This procedure 
backs up only StorNext-related system files.