National Instruments Image Acqusition Software NI-IMAQdx User Manual

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Chapter 3
Advanced Programming with NI-IMAQdx
For GigE Vision cameras, you can configure the camera to broadcast or 
multicast image data to all nodes on the network. Broadcast is not routable, 
and everyone on the same network sees the data, even if they are not 
listening. Multicast is routable if the network is configured properly. A 
multicast configuration is preferred if supported by the camera because 
only interested parties can see the data traffic.
Next, start the listener(s). On the listening computer, open your camera 
interface with the 64-bit unique identifier of the target camera, which you 
can find in the General tab in MAX. The controller can get a unique ID and 
send it to the listener sessions. Additionally, you must set the listener 
camera control mode parameter. 
At this point, both the controller and listener systems are acquiring the 
same live data from the same camera. When running as a listener, most 
acquisition attributes are read-only. No camera feature or control is 
accessible when running as a listener system. Attempts to set these 
attributes result in the following error: 
Attribute not writable
There is no synchronization between the controller and the listener host 
computers provided by the low-level driver. The user must start the 
controller before starting the listener. If the camera is not transmitting
data when the listener initializes, the session returns the following error:
No acquisition in progress
. If the controller stops the video feed of 
the camera, the listener times out.
Scalable Image Size
Digital cameras support a predefined set of image sizes, which you can 
select through the Acquisition attributes in MAX. Refer to your camera 
documentation for a list of supported formats.
If you are using LabVIEW, the NI-IMAQdx software recognizes the 
predefined formats and automatically allocates enough memory to 
accommodate the image. The image is resized as necessary.
Some cameras support user-configurable ROI, which allows you to define 
the size of the acquired image. If you use this format, you must input the 
image size using the Region of Interest attributes—offset x, offset y, 
width, and height. The size and position of the sub-image you are acquiring 
must be a multiple of the Increment attribute, as shown in Figure 3-2,
or the driver acquires the smallest sub-image that contains the ROI you 