Me Inc NumaLink-3.0 User Manual

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                                                                NumaLink-3.0™ Users Guide and Service Manual 
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7. Command Line Interface and Configuration File 
The NumaLink-3.0 translator can be run without the GUI, by making use of its command line interface, 
which is augmented by an editable configuration file. In this manner, a specific translation can be scripted 
to execute in response to another system event. 
The command line interface is fairly straightforward; it is described in section 7.1. 
The configuration file can be simple or complex, depending on the number of translations configured and 
the customization requirements for each translation. We suggest that the best way to become acquainted 
with the configuration file is to experiment with configuration settings through the NumaLink-3.0 GUI 
and examine the results of those settings in the configuration file. The non-customization elements of the 
configuration file are described in section 7.2. The customization elements are described in Numa 
Translation Customizations
7.1 Command Line 
The translation command line syntax is as follows: 
nmtrans  [ -a path  –b  –c  –d n  –e path  -f file  -t seconds 
Arguments in [ ] are optional. The arguments are: 
-a file 
Audit log file specification – specifies a file for writing an audit log. The audit log 
receives messages detailing translation work. The process must have write and 
file create access to this directory. 
 If “0” is specified for the path, audit messages are not logged. 
Background mode – the translator is detached from the process that started it and 
runs until explicitly stopped. The default is interactive mode (i.e., not background 
mode); the translator performs the specified translation on the specified input 
directory and then exits. 
This argument is mutually exclusive with 
Customization – the translator calls the customization module prior to the write 
portion of the translation, allowing site-specific customization of the write. The 
default is non-customization mode. 
-C n 
Cache age limit – cache items older than n days will be purged. The default cache 
age limit is ten days. 
Debug – breaks the translation process into separate phases. 
The phases are specified by n as follows: 
1 – Read; reads input files into intermediate format 
2 – Customize; performs site-specific customization on the intermediate format