ICOM i706MK G User Manual

Page of 75
(S-level speech)
When an optional UT-102 
is installed, the synthesizer can be set to read out the
frequency/mode only, or both the frequency/mode
and S-meter level.
Voice synthesizer reads out
both the frequency/mode 
and  S-meter level (default).
Voice synthesizer reads out
the frequency/mode only.
37 CI-V 731 
(CI-V operating fre-
quency data length)
When connecting the IC-706MKIIG to the IC-735 for
transceive operation, you must change the operating
frequency data length to 4 bytes.
• This item 
be set to “on” only when operating trans-
ceiver with the IC-735.
Frequency data set to
5 bytes (default).
Frequency data set to
4 bytes.
36 CI-V TRN 
(CI-V transceive)
Transceive operation is possible with the IC-
706MKIIG connected to other Icom HF transceivers
or receivers. When “on” is selected, changing the
frequency, operating mode, etc. on the IC-706MKIIG
automatically changes those of connected trans-
ceivers (or receivers) and vice versa.
Transceive ON
Transceive OFF
(CI-V address)
To distinguish equipment, each CI-V transceiver has
its own Icom standard address in hexadecimal code.
The IC-706MKIIG’s address is 4EH.
When 2 or more IC-706MKIIG’s are connected to an
optional CT-17 
, rotate the
main dial to select a different address for each IC-
706MKIIG in the range 01H to 7FH.
(CI-V data rate)
This item sets the data transfer rate. When “Auto” is
selected, the baud rate is automatically set according
to the connected controller or remote controller.
Address set to 58H
Address set to 7FH.
Auto baud rate
19200 bps