I-Data Electronic Documentation ida Data Sheet

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ida FS 250, Operator's Guide
 Support of Automatic Page Orientation
IPDS support - IBM 4028 and 3812 or 3816 emulation.
Non-IPDS support via the installed i-data interface card, with full 
emulation of IBM3812/5219/3816 and IBM 5224/ 5225/5256/4234.
Support of the ida PSS software package
Support of the i-data Function Selection via the Line (FSL) facility in 
non-IPDS mode.
Automatic input sharing between Twinax, Centronics and RS-232 input 
Flash prom allowing downloading of new firmware via the  centronics
Multiple VPA (Valid Printable Area) check options available.
IM Smoothing (3812 and 3816 emulations).
1.3 Supported Control Units
The ida FS 250 will connect to the following control units :
IBM /34
IBM /36, all models
IBM /38, all models
IBM AS/400
IBM 5294 and 5394 remote controllers