GE SBC346 3U OpenVPX Single Board Computer Brochure

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Sensor and signal processing applications
require massive bandwidth and VPX delivers.
Field applications are the  
driving force behind VPX
Mission Computers
Rugged systems are designed to survive 
and thrive in harsh environments. They 
stand up to challenges like temperature 
extremes, shock, vibration, EMI and 
 G-forces. VPX offers computational speed 
and graphics capabilities which will make 
mission applications even more effective 
and real-time.
Situational Awareness
Until now, surveillance of large  areas 
has been based on a confusing  array 
of  disparate video feeds, and the 
 inter- relationships between cameras 
are not always obvious, so important 
 contextual visual information can be  
easily overlooked. 
Our subsystem presents 360º, high reso-
lution, real-time video from up to sixteen 
cameras, and the virtual camera can be 
panned or zoomed instantaneously. The 
performance advantages of VPX allow an 
entire subsystem with these capabilities 
to be fit into an extremely compact area 
in a very rugged application environment.
Video Tracking & Target Detection
VPX enables the highest performance 
solutions in the smallest, rugged hardware 
packages with features that include:
Moving Target Detection
The Moving Target Detection (MTD) acquisi-
tion algorithm extracts objects from the 
scene which are moving independently in 
relation to the background. 
Centroid Tracking
Centroid tracking is used for tracking 
 bounded objects such as an aircraft,  
which can be fully contained within  
the track window.  
Multiple Target Track (MTT)
MTT is used for tracking bounded objects 
such as aircraft or ground vehicles that are 
fully contained within the track window. 
The MTT gives good performance with 
small targets in high clutter.
Image Matching
Automatic Image Matching (AIM) allows 
images taken from different sensors at 
different times to be compared with each 
other. Image Matching could assist a UAV 
with navigation or target detection.
Fire Control
Fire-control systems require sophisticated 
high-performance embedded computers 
and sensors. GE VPX-based high- 
performance single board computers, 
multi-function software, sensors and 
switches provide high-performance 
capabilities to aid in greater control and 
accuracy of radar and fire-control for 
naval, ground and air-based systems.